Paul Manafort Gets 47 Months For The Crime Of Helping Trump Win

Chris Menahan
Mar. 08, 2019

President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was sentenced to 47 months in prison on Thursday on charges that have nothing to do with "colluding" with the Russkies.

From The Daily Caller:
A federal judge in Virginia sentenced Paul Manafort to 47 months in prison Thursday on tax and bank fraud charges, a term much lighter than the sentence the former Trump campaign chairman faced under federal sentencing guidelines.

U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III said guidelines calling for 19 to 24.5 years in prison for Manafort were “excessive.”

Manafort, 69, said in remarks before the sentence was handed down that his life is in “shambles.” He will be sentenced later in March in a separate case in Washington, D.C., where the judge in that case, Amy Berman Jackson, will determine if Manafort can serve a sentence in that case concurrently with his Virginia sentence.

Manafort was convicted on eight fraud-related charges Aug. 21, 2018. He pleaded guilty Sept. 14 to conspiracy charges related to his consulting work for the Ukrainian government.

Manafort worked as a press relations guru from 2004 through 2014 for Viktor Yanukovych, who served as Ukraine’s president from Feb. 25, 2010, to Feb. 22, 2014.

None of the charges against Manafort involved allegations of collusion with the Russian government, as Ellis noted during Thursday’s hearing.

“He is not before the court for anything having to do with colluding with the Russian government,” Ellis said.
Indeed, he's before the court because he helped Trump win the presidency -- a crime worse than murder to our ruling elites.

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