Trump Tells War Hawks In Congress That He Now Agrees '100%' With Keeping Some Troops In SyriaChris MenahanInformationLiberation Mar. 06, 2019 |
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"Two months after declaring all U.S. troops are leaving Syria, President Donald Trump wrote to members of Congress that he now agrees "100%" with keeping a military presence in Syria," NBC News reports.
From NBC News: A bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives wrote to Trump on Feb. 22, applauding his decision to keep a small residual force in Syria.Sadly, this is not fake news: Polls showed Trump's base, as well as most Independents, overwhelmingly supported his decision to pull out of Syria (only Democrats were opposed). Neocons like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush protested against the pullout by saying it was bad for Israel.
Last month, Trump told CBS News that US troops may have to stay in Syria because "we have to protect Israel."
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