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You can always count on Republicans to undermine their own base in service of their donors. From Sputnik: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday that he expects a resolution blocking President Trump's emergency declaration to pass the Senate, but does not believe lawmakers will get enough votes to override the president's veto.McConnell said he'd support Trump's national emergency in order to get him to sign the horrendous open borders bill (which banned him from building the wall). Now he attacks him over it. Truly hilarious. Don't let the media blame Rand Paul for this. He's consistent on his whole "principles" shtick and he's only one vote. They need 60 votes to pass this resolution. Trump signed the horrendous open borders bill into law when he could have easily just vetoed it and demand it be changed. Rand Paul was one of only 16 Senators who voted against it. We all knew this was coming.
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