Bernie Sanders Accused Of Voicing Support For Regime Change In Venezuela

Chris Menahan
Feb. 24, 2019

Leftists are not happy...

To quote Alex Jones, "Is no one f***ing pure in this world?"

The Russians are giving Venezuela food aid:

There's many different perspectives on what's really happening in their country:

They don't want to take "food aid" in the form of weapons crates from an openly hostile foreign power threatening to overthrow their government and sodomize their president to death as happened in Libya.

It's really not complex.

The same people who told us it's an international war crime for Russians to "interfere in our election" by posting a few memes and buying a few ads on Facebook and Twitter are now backing a coup in Venezuela and declaring some random dude most Venezuelans last month had never even heard of their "legitimate" president.

The fact our entire establishment is getting behind this regime change operation should be enough to tell you it's probably a bad idea.

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