WashPo Spends $5.2M On Super Bowl Ad Lecturing Americans On The Importance Of Journos

Chris Menahan
Feb. 04, 2019

The Washington Post dropped some $5.2 million on a melodramatic Super Bowl ad on Sunday praising journos as heroes sacrificing their lives on battlefields so that we may be informed.

The Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos -- who was the world's richest man before his divorce -- attempted to associate their trash journos with WW2 vets, firefighters and the rocket scientists who got us to the moon in a 30 second propaganda piece narrated by Hollywood actor Tom Hanks.

The ad says:
When we go off to war.
When we exercise our rights.
When we soar to our greatest heights.
When we mourn and pray.
When our neighbors are at risk.
When our nation is threatened.
There’s someone to gather the facts.
To bring you the story.
No matter the cost.
Because knowing empowers us.
Knowing helps us decide.
Knowing keeps us free.
Here's what the journos at the Washington Post actually do:

In reality, they're not war heroes risking their lives to "bring us the story" but in fact America-hating propagandists who smear young kids for the crime of smiling while being white and Catholic.

Not surprisingly, the reactions were quite negative.

Here's that left image:

Washington Post union leader Fredrick Kunkle also criticized the Post for spending over $5 million on a 30 second ad while cutting journos' benefits, cutting severances, freezing pensions and making it easier to fire them.

The truth is the greatest threat to the free press in this country is the fake news media and their allies in Big Tech who are doing everything in their power to censor and suppress alternative media outlets for countering their lies.

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