'The Color Purple' Author Targeted For Destruction For Saying She Read David Icke BookChris MenahanInformationLiberation Dec. 18, 2018 |
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Pulitzer-Prize winning author Alice Walker is being targeted for destruction for saying she read a book by controversial author David Icke. Just saying you read a book is now enough to get you "the treatment." From The Washington Free Beacon, "‘The Color Purple’ Author Endorses Wildly Anti-Semitic Book in NY Times Interview": Pulitzer-Prize winning author Alice Walker endorsed an "insanely Anti-Semitic" book in a recent interview with the New York Times.Incidentally, Alice Walker was married to Melvyn R. Leventhal and her own daughter is Jewish. Evidently, that's irrelevant. But as Tablet Magazine noted Monday, Icke and his book spread long-discredited hoaxes like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and blaming Jews for Adolf Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan.Rosenberg said "reptilians" is just a "lazy code" for "Jews."
The ADL also joined in the pile on:
The New York Times asked her what books she has on her bookshelf and she responded. Now, she must be destroyed. Despite a lifetime of service to the left, she's to be declared persona non grata. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |