New York Magazine Laments PewDiePie Appears To Be Too Popular to Ban

Chris Menahan
Dec. 17, 2018

New York Magazine is very frustrated that PewDiePie appears to be too popular for YouTube to outright ban him -- but that hasn't stopped them from demanding they ban him anyways.

The move comes on the heels of Vox Media and many others demanding he be banned because they don't like his sense of humor.

From New York Magazine, "Why YouTube’s Biggest Star Can’t Be Canceled":
How can someone flirt so frequently and so explicitly with racist slurs and anti-Semitic jokes and thrive?

One quick and easy answer is “because YouTube lets him.” There are reasons YouTube doesn’t want to get deeply involved, both cynical (he’s a huge, engagement-driving star) and earnest (YouTube feels uncomfortable wielding its absolute power over its own platform so nakedly) — but it’s important to keep in mind that the company has both the practical and the formal power to remove Kjellberg from its site, or find other ways to punish or limit him, the way a movie studio or television network might distance themselves from an anti-Semitic movie star.
The article was written by this seedy character:

He's an expert in "fake news"... creating it, that is.

He goes on to conclude his propaganda piece by saying PewDiePie is pretty much Hitler:
We’re all pretty familiar at this point with the psychological process by which a once-prominent class of people, subject to a confusing and unaccountable regulatory regime, choose to overlook or defend a pattern of bigoted behavior from a televisually charismatic figure promising to maintain imagined community identity. Kjellberg’s continued success, seen through this lens, is maybe less surprising. But I don’t think it makes it any less worrying. Not because he’s a “bad influence” or malign actor in particular — though he very well may be — but because his status as the standard-bearer of True YouTube gives his position in broader political debates an outsize weight. As Abidin writes, “millions of young followers for whom social media such as YouTube were primarily for entertainment value are now being seduced into joining camps and participating in global discursive debates in defence of/in opposition to Influencers” like Kjellberg; he, through fights over his behavior and his position within the YouTube space, is something like a gateway drug to bigger political battles over free speech, the role of media, and diversity. And if you start from the position that PewDiePie is great and his critics unfair (and possibly disingenuous), you may soon find yourself taking on some unfortunate new political positions — especially since, as the academic Becca Lewis extensively documented in a report for Data & Society earlier this year, the far right has developed a considerable influence network on YouTube poised to take advantage of exactly this dynamic. Until we find a way to change the culture of megaplatforms, that’s probably not going to go away. And neither will PewDiePie.
They're really, really, really angry that right-wingers are crushing the left on YouTube and social media in general and that's why outlets like the New York Times are outright demanding all free speech be shut down and comparing us all to "jihadists" and "nazis" and so on.

That Data & Society report was a Soros/US government-funded propaganda report which told its funders exactly what they wanted to hear: namely that every right-winger on YouTube is part of a "radicalization network" which needs to be banned to save freedom and democracy or some garbage. These are naked authoritarians who want to take away all our freedoms and institute the Soviet Union 2.0.

Pewds mocked the controversy last week on Twitter:

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