Secret Service Intervenes When CBS News Reporter Confronts Kushner On An AirplaneChris MenahanInformationLiberation Oct. 17, 2018 |
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This Secret Service agent deserves a raise. From HuffPo: A Secret Service agent blocked the phone of a CBS reporter who was attempting to ask White House senior adviser Jared Kushner a question on Tuesday and told the journalist he didn’t “give a damn” who he was.BASED!
It looks to me like Barnett tried to block Kushner's path and the Secret Service just assumed he was a threat. Is Kushner supposed to hold up everyone's flight so this idiot can ask some stupid question which he already knows he will get a canned response? Did he expect Kushner to be like, "Oh yeah, I know I didn't talk to anyone else about this Saudi Arabia situation, but I guess I'll just give the scoop to this random schmuck harassing me on a commercial flight who claims he's a news reporter!" Maybe Barnett should have tried to question Kusnher while he was using the plane's bathroom. He could just knock on the door and shout his question through while there's a big line behind him waiting to get in! Barnett went on to whine about the incident and act like this was some attack on press freedom on CBS News: Anyone could put an ID on the end of a CBS keychain and say they're with the press. It doesn't give you special powers which entitle you to get around the Secret Service. It looks like this great patriot agent, despite doing the right thing, is going to be put through the wringer just for doing his job:
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