Why Is The Sharia-Compliant Islamic Regime Of Qatar Pushing Radical SJW Propaganda In The West?Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Sep. 25, 2018 |
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AJ+, which is short for Al Jazeera Plus, is a state-run media outlet operated by the hereditary supreme rulers of Qatar which pushes radical social justice politics in the West -- despite women effectively being owned as slaves and forced to live under Sharia law in their own nation of Qatar. The contrast is striking. AJ+ has over 11,000,000 likes currently on Facebook and nearly 1 million followers on Twitter. AJ+ churns out social justice propaganda like this 24/7:
While AJ+ sells itself as advancing the downtrodden, they also actively churn out pro-regime change propaganda to try and push the US government into war with Syria:
Women in Qatar live under Sharia law and essentially have no rights. A woman from the Netherlands who said she was drugged and raped in Qatar was punished and deported by a Qatari court in 2016. Migrants are worked to death and treated like slaves: As a 2011 US State Department report stated: Qatar is a destination country for men and women subjected to forced labor and, to a much lesser extent, forced prostitution. Men and women from Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Sudan, Thailand, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and China voluntarily migrate to Qatar as low-skilled laborers and domestic servants, but some subsequently face conditions indicative of involuntary servitude. These conditions include: threats of serious physical or financial harm; the withholding of pay; charging workers for benefits for which the employer is responsible; restrictions on freedom of movement, including the confiscation of passports and travel documents and the withholding of exit permits; arbitrary detention; threats of legal action and deportation; threats of filing false charges against the worker; and physical, mental, and sexual abuse.How does one explain this striking contrast? Could it be that they view pushing this far-left social justice propaganda as the best way to undermine our nations from within? This is foreign meddling targeting Americans with radicalizing, destabilizing propaganda and yet our media couldn't care less! Meanwhile, the same media have conniption fits over RT and Russian propaganda because it tends to be relatively right-wing, pro-Christianity and pro-traditionalism. Really makes you think! Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |