'F**k Trump!' Farzad Fazeli Attempts to Stab GOP House Candidate On 9/11March For Our Lives supporter arrested for trying to stab Republican to death with a switchblade.Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Sep. 11, 2018 |
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"California man" Farzad Fazeli, 35, was charged on Tuesday after trying to stab Republican House candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade while screaming, "F**k Trump! Fuck Trump!" From the SF Chronicle: A Castro Valley man shouting profanities about President Trump attacked a Republican congressional candidate who was working an election booth at a town festival, threatening him and trying to stab him with a switchblade knife, authorities and the candidate said Tuesday.Fortunately, Fazeli was too stupid to operate the switchblade. In an interview, Peters said he had never been concerned about his safety prior to Sunday, though his wife has often warned him to be careful. Peters had been sitting with Joseph Grcar, a Republican state Assembly candidate. He said they were both “kind of shocked” by the outburst, but that the man seemed like he was walking off. “The next thing you know,” Peters said, “he stops and turns around and says, ‘I’ll show you,’ and runs at the booth.”Another very low IQ individual. Peters said he grabbed a sign from a nearby cupcake booth and braced to use it as a shield. Someone stepped in and urged the attacker to calm down, Peters said, before he left the booth.Here's the kicker: Fazeli is licensed to work as a security guard in California, according to state documents.Is the fake news media going to take any responsibility for the climate of hate they've created? This violence comes on the heels of the Congressional baseball mass shooting carried out by a Bernie Sanders supporter pumped full of fake news and the near-murder of Republican congressman Rand Paul. Maxine Waters is still telling her supporters to threaten Republicans out in public: Fazeli's Facebook shows he's a March For Our Lives supporter who wants to disarm the American public, presumably so he and his ilk can have an easier time killing us: Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |