The largest public-sector unions in the country may lose up to 400,000 fee payers after the Supreme Court declared mandatory payments unconstitutional. The decision could cut into the coffers of the Democratic Party.
On Wednesday the Supreme Court ruled that government agencies could no longer require workers to pay union dues or fees as a condition of employment. The 5-4 ruling, which overturned the 1977 Abood precedent allowing unions to charge "fair share fees" to all workers, including nonmembers, could deal a devastating blow to the coffers of unions. The ruling gives agency fee payers--those who pay partial dues supposed to cover expenses like grievances and collective bargaining rather than political activities--the ability to halt all payments to unions. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees (AFSCME), National Education Association (NEA), and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) represent millions of government employees at the state and local level, as well as about 400,000 agency fee payers, though not all of them are directly affected by the decision, according to 2017 federal labor filings.
Todd Lyon, a management-side attorney with Fisher Phillips, has represented several employers engaged in negotiations with public-sector unions. He expects the loss of revenue from agency fee payments to take a toll, with major cuts coming to payroll, political lobbying, and campaign spending.
"The ruling will decrease the funds available for unions, so we'll see a rash of layoffs within the unions themselves. Thats going to lead to a decrease in the advocacy," Lyon said. "There's going to be a decrease in the political activity."
AFSCME, SEIU, AFT, and NEA universally condemned the ruling as an attack on workers following the release of the opinion on Wednesday, but no spokesman returned requests for comment.
The four unions combined to spend more than $1 billion on political activities since 2012, according to federal labor filings. Those records represent a conservative estimate on public-sector union spending, since they do not count the spending rates of local unions or state chapters on such activities. Nearly all of the unions' federal political contributions went to Democrats or advanced liberal causes, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Where the hell are the Democrats going to get any money?
Bloomberg gave them $80 million, but he's not doing that without expecting their servitude in return.
The Democrat's base are mostly net-tax recipients -- i.e. they're either on welfare or working a government job -- and have now shown they want communists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who promise them free everything to be their leaders, not "old, rich white guys" like Bloomberg and Soros.
They're in quite the conundrum -- and they only have themselves to thank!