Turkey Finishes Massive Wall On Syrian Border, Paid For With EU Funds

Chris Menahan
Jun. 17, 2018

While leftists are throwing a fit over President Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico, they couldn't care less about Turkey's new massive 764-kilometer border wall with Syria paid for with European Union funds.

This is the same EU which says America needs to "build bridges, not walls."

From Turkish state media outlet The Daily Sabah:
TOKI, the state backed housing developer, built 564-kilometer (350-mile) section of the wall, while the governorates of the border provinces built 200 kilometers (124 miles), the official told Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity.

Ankara had launched the construction project in 2015 to build an 826-km (513-mi) wall on the Syrian border, as part of Turkey's measures to increase border security and combat smuggling and illegal border crossings.
[...] The border wall project incorporates physical, electronic and advanced technology layers.

The physical layer includes modular concrete walls, patrol routes, manned and unmanned towers and passenger tracks.

Modular walls are being erected along the Turkish-Syrian borderline with seven-ton mobile blocks, two meters wide and three meters high. The blocks have also been topped with a one-meter-high razor wire.

An electronic layer consists of close-up surveillance systems, thermal cameras, land surveillance radar, remote-controlled weapons systems, command-and-control centers, line-length imaging systems and seismic and acoustic sensors.

The advanced technology layer of the project includes wide area surveillance, laser destructive fiber-optic detection, surveillance radar for drone detection, jammers and sensor-triggered short distance lighting systems.
While Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is building walls for his own country to keep migrants out, he's encouraging his own citizens to demographically conquer Europe.

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