ABC Interviews Mexican Heroin Cartel Workers, Finds Many Were Deported From U.S. And Want Back InChris MenahanInformationLiberation May. 20, 2018 |
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They'll do the drug cartel jobs Americans won't. From ABC News: Up a dusty road, in a sun-dappled field in northwest Mexico, a small team of workers bent over, quietly tending to the crops on a farm.If there's one thing we need in America, it's grandmothers who work for heroin manufactures to help with our shortage of Uber drivers. Other cartel members similarly said they were previously deported: While many said they had misgivings about working in the heroin trade, they all said they just want the money. ABC News, as usual, said Americans were actually to blame for these Mexican cartels' actions because of our "seemingly bottomless demand for drugs." I'm sure if Americans were flooding Mexico with deadly fentanyl and heroin they'd similarly say the Mexicans were to blame for taking the drugs we manufactured and illegally smuggled into their country. Last year, Mexico's former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Jorge Castañeda Gutman suggested Mexico should stop "cooperating" with the US on fighting to keep their drugs out of America because Donald Trump is ending our two countries "friendly relationship."
Seeing as how deaths from fentanyl and heroin have skyrocketed, it appears the Mexican government has been following Gutman's plan. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook and Gab. |