You Won't Believe Paul Ryan's Idiotic Takeaway From The Pennsylvania Special Election!

Chris Menahan
Mar. 15, 2018

Does the Republican establishment want to throw the House and the Senate just to thwart President Donald Trump or are they actually this tone-deaf?

From Reuters:
CANONSBURG, Pa./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans sounded the alarm on Wednesday after Democrats claimed victory in a Pennsylvania congressional election seen as a referendum on U.S. President Donald Trump’s performance, although the vote tally remained officially too close to call.

....The election should have been a shoo-in for Republicans in a district that Trump won by almost 20 points in the 2016 presidential election. He campaigned for Saccone, who started the race well ahead of Lamb.

Republican Speaker Paul Ryan called the election a “wakeup call” in a meeting with Republican House members and pushed them to raise more campaign funds. He also urged them to do more to highlight tax cuts approved by the Republican-dominated Congress and signed by Trump.

Saccone ran on boring ass tax cuts.

All his signs said, "Defending the taxpayer."

No one cares about tax cuts for rich people in rural Pennsylvania, they care about jobs and fighting the heroin epidemic. Imagine if Saccone and not Trump floated executing drug dealers.

He could have said, "I want longer sentences for heroin dealers and death sentences for foreigners caught bringing deadly fentanyl and carfentanil into our country which is killing our children."

"I will support Trump's wall to shut down Mexican drug traffickers and do everything in my power to prevent children from being exposed to this scourge."

Look at this savage ad Lamb was running:

The actual clip in context was similarly bad:

This is the same old hokey conservative nonsense Trump's election showed no one actually cares about.

America is in dire straits and people want a strong leader to cut through the BS and address our actual problems. They don't want to be told, "the free market will fix all that ails us."

If Republicans want to win, they need to drop all this boring, hokey conservatism which keeps failing and copy the platform Trump ran on.

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