Stephen King Calls Republican Train Crash 'Karma'

Chris Menahan
Feb. 02, 2018

The face of The Resistance™, ladies and gents.

Infowars reported Thursday:
Writer Stephen King has stoked controversy by appearing to welcome the train crash yesterday involving Republican lawmakers, tweeting that the accident was “karma”.

The chartered train collided with a garbage truck yesterday morning in Virginia, killing one person. The train was carrying House and Senate Republicans to a retreat in West Virginia. No lawmakers or staff members were injured.

“A trainload of Republicans on their way to a pricey retreat hit a garbage truck. My friend Russ calls that karma,” King tweeted earlier today.

After an immediate backlash, the author followed up by tweeting, “Of COURSE sorry the truck driver died.”
Take that, Republicans.

Stephen King is not afraid to take on anyone, including the victims of tragic train crashes. Actually -- scratch that -- especially the victims of tragic train crashes.

He tweeted another half-apology a few hours later:

He also retweeted this GoFundMe for the family of Chris Foley who was killed in the crash:

CNN regular Jonathan Tasini similarly said the crash was "god's work."

These are the heroes of The Resistance™.

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