Sweden: Female Migrant Center Volunteers Caught Having Sexual Relations With Teen Refugees

Chris Menahan
Jan. 29, 2018

This has officially become an epidemic.

From Sputnik International:
Three women employed at a refugee accommodation center in Örnsköldsvik Municipality were discovered to have started intimate relationships with unaccompanied tenants in their teens. The incident was ultimately discovered by the municipality and the police were contacted.

The ladies later resigned, whereupon an internal investigation of the incident began, the Nyheter Idag news outlet reported.

Mats Gidlund, Head of Social Assistance in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik, stated that the municipality must work to establish a clear boundary between the private and the professional in interactions between employees and residents.
This is the only type of "boundary" which will stop this from reoccurring:

Sputnik continues:
"This is clearly remarkable. Because we also think that what is happening is serious, we have reported it to both the police and the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO)," Mats Gidlund told the Allehanda daily.

Previously, an investigation was launched into a local refugee center in the town of Åmål, where a female employee reportedly gave a lap dance and had intimate relations with underage inmates.

In the summer of 2017, a debate flared up concerning single middle-aged women, disparagingly called "batik witches," pushing for a more generous immigration policy to be able to get access to more unaccompanied refugees as "boytoys" in order to bed them.

The debate was intensified after Youtubers Videomannen and En Arg Blatte Talar (also known as Angry Foreigner) made a series of videos featuring copious numbers of middle-aged Swedish women posing with "refugee children," some of which appear to be in their thirties, in a suggestive manner.

"What Sweden really has done here is the biggest import of gigolos in human history. Then, taxpayers have been made to pay for this immoral sex party and call it 'humanism,'" EABT told the Nyheter Idag outlet. "This is not a migrant crisis, this is a globalist brothel," he argued.
Well said.

As I reported last week, a 45-year-old #MeToo supporting feminist mother dating an 18-year-old Afghan "refugee" refused to report her boy toy to police after he sexually molested her 12-year-old daughter because she was "afraid he would be sent back to Afghanistan."

In December, Leparisien had this gem of a photograph atop an article on "families sheltering refugees."

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