'Passionate, Extraordinary, Breathtaking': Watch Media & Dems Fawn Over Flake Speech

Chris Menahan
Oct. 26, 2017

Senator Jeff Flake's retirement speech Tuesday bashing Trump wasn't a painfully boring, out of touch diatribe from a failed politician with an 18% approval rating in his own state, but instead a "breathtaking," "extraordinary," "passionate," "historic" speech like something "straight from a great novel or movie."

Watch this hilarious compilation of media and Democratic hacks fawning over Flake via The Washington Free Beacon:

From the WFB:
"It's hard to remember a speech that is as honest and kind of laid bare the underlying issues of our politics of the time that we're living through than a speech like this," CNN analyst Gloria Borger said, adding it was a "just a breathtaking cri de coeur."

..."This was the end of a movie," MSNBC host and former Republican Joe Scarborough said. "This was our Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."

Scarborough added Flake had impeccable credentials as "the conservative's conservative."

Fellow MSNBC host Chris Matthews said it reminded him of the political thriller "Advise and Consent" and was something "straight from a great novel or movie."

He also called the speech a "beautiful piece of literature" and would go down in political history as the "speech of his life."
The speech will be forgotten entirely by the end of the week.

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