MSNBC Panelist: I Get To Decide "What Racism Is" And You Don'tChris MenahanInformationLiberation Mar. 30, 2017 |
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During a heated debate on MSNBC Wednesday, political analyst Jason Johnson told American Conservative Union Chair Matt Schlapp that he doesn't "get to tell other people what racism is" but "I do." Johnson was arguing with Schlapp over whether or not White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was "racist" and "sexist" for having a disagreement with African-American female reporter April Ryan on Tuesday. As TPM reports: "I think it was offensive, I think it was inappropriate, I think it was racist and I think it was sexist," political analyst Jason Johnson told MSNBC's Chris Jansing. "I think it's sad. I think this is not going to help our country," American Conservative Union Chair Matt Schlapp said.Indeed, how dare Schlapp, as a white person, think he can define an English word? His "whiteness" means he's not allowed to debate stuff, because he can't "experience" racism or discrimination – because he's white. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter and Facebook. |