Internet Sleuths Connect Hillary With Attempt to Frame Assange as Pedo, Russian SpyChris MenahanInformationLiberation Oct. 19, 2016 |
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Reddit internet sleuths have connected Hillary Clinton to the despicable smear being spread by Democrat shills that Julian Assange is a pedophile and a Russian spy. Not only is the story a complete lie, but it appears the people behind it issued veiled threats on Julian Assange and his lawyer's lives. Redditors summarized the whole case in this useful picture: Note, David Soloff has since set his Twitter to "protected," which prevents the public at large from viewing your tweets. One redditor said the name Todd and Clare itself is a veiled death threat in German: "These people can't even control their sick sense of humor. Todd and Clare. Tod und klar. Dead and clear," he wrote. Another redditor responded: Sick sense of 'humor' ? I dunno man, this shit might go deeper than just humor.Not only did the government of Ecuador cut off his internet to keep him from exposing Hillary Clinton, but shadowy forces are threatening he and his lawyer's lives. This is the depth of corruption were dealing with when it comes to the Clintons. We need to do everything in our power to assure this evil woman does not become president. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter and Facebook. |