BOMBSHELL: Clinton-Dem Dark Arts Operatives Explain How They're RIGGING Our ElectionsChris MenahanInformationLiberation Oct. 18, 2016 |
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![]() ![]() Project Veritas' undercover journalists caught top Clintonite-Democrat operatives admitting step-by-step how they commit mass voter fraud -- including by working with illegal alien activist "dreamers." This video proves Donald Trump is one-hundred percent right when he says our elections are being "rigged." From Project Veritas: Project Veritas Action has released the second video in a multi-part series that is sending shockwaves through the DNC and the Clinton campaign. The first video explained the dark secrets and the hidden connections and organizations the Hillary Campaign uses to incite violence at Trump rallies. This latest video takes the investigation even further. Foval then goes on to explain the sinister plot and how they avoid getting caught. The undercover reporter asks why they can’t just “bus in” voters, but get them to use their own personal vehicles. Foval describes how they avoid being detected and free of criminal charges. “Would they charge each individual of voter fraud? Or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy, which they could prove? It’s one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars. If there’s a bus involved? That changes the dynamic.”Get this out to everyone in the country! Watch James O'Keefe's previous video where these same dark arts operatives admit they fomented violence at Donald Trump's rallies to smear him and his supporters. It came out just hours ago one female Hispanic activist captured in their previous video was being paid directly by Hillary Clinton's campaign. ![]() Earlier this week in New York, an illegal alien who was living in the US since the 1970's was caught having voted illegally in 20 federal, state, and local elections. The Washington Times chronicled a host of similar cases of mass voter fraud going down all over America. The American people have a right to know their elections are being rigged by a hostile establishment hellbent on our destruction. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter and Facebook. |