Miley Cyrus Cries On Instagram, Vows To Leave Country If Trump Elected

Chris Menahan
Mar. 02, 2016

Pop star Miley Cyrus shared a picture of herself crying on Instagram over Donald Trump's victories in the GOP primaries last night.

"Yes . That is a tear rolling down my cheek dripping off the end of my nose," she writes.

"This makes me so unbelievable scared and sad.... Not only for our country but for animals that I love more than anything in this world.... My heart is broken into a 100000 pieces ..... I think I may vomit ...."

Miley was evidently upset because a well adjusted female Trump supporter killed a dangerous mountain lion and posted the picture on social media without guilt.

"That picture on the right is so disturbing.... YOU are not destiny! It is not your job to decide when a living things life is over .... & YOU DT ARE NOT GOD NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! (& if he doesn't think he is "God" he thinks he is the fucking chosen one or some shit! We're all just fucking jam between his rich ass toes! Honestly fuck this shit I am moving if this is my president! I don't say things I don't mean! )."

Donald Trump Jr. has offered to pay the airfare of any celebrity who wants to leave the country if Trump is elected, perhaps Miley will take him up on it.

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