The Totalitarian Cultby Will GriggMar. 24, 2014 |
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![]() The creation of a totalitarian state could be described as a process in which government steadily appropriates all of the functions of the family. Benito Mussolini concisely summarized the same idea with a terse entry in his Fascist Dictionary, which read: “Family – see `Fascist State.’” One purpose of the Social Security System was to disrupt intergenerational family bonds by making society, rather than children, responsible for the care of elderly parents. The welfare programs created through the Great Society expanded on a model devised by Britain’s 19th Century Fabian Socialist movement by encouraging unwed motherhood, creating several generations of fatherless children whose mothers are effectively wedded to government. Obamacare is a product of this contemptible mindset. The Rhode Island Obamacare exchange system has created what it calls a “Nag Toolkit” to help parents brow-beat their children into enrolling in Obamacare -- something that is necessary in order for young, healthy people to subsidize the system on behalf of older and less healthy consumers. Totalitarianism is a religious cult in which everything is subordinated to the state – and whose priests demand the sacrifice of our families on the altar of what is supposed to be the “common good.” |