Terrorists working for the Drug Enforcement Agency murdered two pregnant women and two other innocent men 14-yr-old boys out fishing on their boat in Honduras.
The terrorists reportedly gunned the innocents down from the safety of a U.S. taxpayer funded helicopter, they wrongly assumed the innocent foreigners were somehow involved in the selling of a plant substances the U.S. government deems illegal.
Unlike the domesticated slaves within the U.S., Hondurans took to the streets and burned down government buildings in response, they're demanding the foreign occupiers get out of their country and stop killing people.
The U.S. government lied in response to the incident by claiming they had nothing to do with the shootings. By having 'nothing to do with the shootings,' they mean they just funded the entire operation and "worked with" the Honduran police whom they had carry out their dirty work.
Via the AP:
Hondurans Demand DEA Leave After Shooting
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) -- People in Honduras' predominantly Indian Mosquito coast region burned down government offices and demanded that U.S. drug agents leave the area, reacting angrily to an anti-drug operation in which they say police gunfire killed four innocent people, including two pregnant women.
The anger is aimed at both Honduran authorities and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, which confirmed on Wednesday that some of its agents were on a U.S.-owned helicopter with Honduran police officers when the shooting happened Friday on the Patuca River in northeastern Honduras.
Honduran and U.S. officials said only the police officers on the anti-drug mission fired their weapons, and not until the helicopter was shot at first. The officials said the aircraft was chasing a small boat suspected of carrying drugs on the river.
Local officials said the two men and two pregnant women killed weren't drug smugglers. They said the victims were diving for lobster and shellfish.
"These innocent residents were not involved in the drug problem, were in their boat going about their daily fishing activities ... when they gunned them down from the air," Lucio Vaquedano, mayor of the coastal town of Ahuas, said in a telephone interview Wednesday.
Recounting the burning of government offices in the northern Gracias a Dios region, Vaquedano said, "Some of the inhabitants reacted with anger at the attack, and sought revenge against the government."
The leaders of the Masta, Diunat, Rayaka, Batiasta and Bamiasta ethnic groups said in a press statement that "the people in that canoe were fishermen, not drug traffickers."
"For centuries we have been a peaceful people who live in harmony with nature, but today we declared these Americans to be persona non grata in our territory," the statement continued.
Ricardo Ramirez, chief of Honduras' national police force, said the operation "was carried out with the support of the DEA," and alleged the occupants of the boat were transporting drugs and fired at the helicopter. Ramirez said an assault rifle was seized at the scene.
DEA officials acknowledged their agents were working with Honduran police aboard the helicopter. "We were there in a support role, working with our counterparts," DEA spokeswoman Dawn Dearden said in Washington.
U.S. government officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because their statements had not been authorized, said Honduran law enforcement did not initiate the shooting, but rather returned fire after being attacked. The officials said the DEA agents did not fire.
Another U.S. official speaking on the same condition of anonymity said several helicopters owned by the U.S. State Department were involved in the mission and carried members of Honduras' National Police Tactical Response Team. The official didn't say how many helicopters were on the mission, but said the aircraft were piloted by Guatemalan military officers and outside contractor pilots.
When asked about the shooting, U.S. Embassy official Matthias Mitman in Tegucigalpa provided a written statement saying that "the U.S. assisted Honduran forces with logistical support in this operation" as part of efforts to fight narcotics trafficking.
The State Department says 79 percent of all cocaine smuggling flights leaving South America first land in Honduras, and the U.S .has been working with the Honduran military to stop the drug dealers. The idea that the people having any involvement with drug trafficking would in anyway justify the act of murder is pure propaganda.
Drug traffickers are providing a service to willing customers who want to consume their products, it's a service like any other.
If the U.S. banned coffee and waged a violent war on it's production, the mass murder which took place as a result would not be justified because "they were trafficking coffee."
The same applies with the coca plant, opium, and every other drug the U.S. government arbitrarily declared illegal.
Every last criminal government agent involved in this drug war, now or ever, should be prosecuted for every act of theft, murder, and terrorism ever committed in the name of "the war on drugs."
Every victim of this war should be released from prison, and even every drug dealer should get both their stolen drugs and their money returned back to them.
That's what should happen if any "justice" was to come out of this incident.
Of course, instead the U.S. will probably ramp up the killings, threats, and intimidation to try to get the populations of the world back in line.