Obama Scapegoats China For His Own Failed Economic Policies

Chris | InformationLiberation
Nov. 14, 2011

Obama has now joined the blame China chorus and is attempting to scapegoat China for his own failed policies.

From Bloomberg:
President Barack Obama kept up his pressure on China's foreign-exhange policy and trade practices, saying “enough’s enough” on what the U.S. views as a too-slow appreciation of the yuan.

While there's been a “slight improvement,” China’s exporters “like the system the way it is” and are resistant to any moves to loosen the reins on the yuan, Obama said.

“Changes are difficult for them politically, I get it,” Obama said at a news conference concluding a summit with Asia- Pacific leaders in Hawaii yesterday. “But the United States and other countries, I think understandably, feel that enough’s enough.”
Our economy is not dying because of China, it's dying because the US government is suffocating it to death with its insane spending. Every dollar the government spends must first be stolen out of the private economy, the government does not create any wealth, it only redistributes wealth which private citizens produce. The only way the government can "help" the economy is to stop looting it, anything else is a red herring. See our intro to Austrian economics.

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