Dissecting the OWS List of Demands

Kurt Nimmo
Oct. 05, 2011

The official OWS website posted the "demands" of a supporter a few days ago. It is not certain if the demands posted below represent the agreed upon consensus of the movement, but if they do we can dismiss it out of hand as another blockheaded attempt to impose socialism.

Interestingly, a few of the demands parallel those of the globalists. This should not come as a surprise since socialism is basically a control mechanism designed by the elite.

The "demands" posted on the OWS site follow:

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

If a $20 an hour minimum wage was adopted -- or forced on business at gunpoint -- small business would disappear overnight and large business would join the transnational stampede to slave gulags like China and Vietnam.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

In other words, socialized medicine. In order to get an idea of what a disaster this would be, look at any other unfair monopoly set-up by the government. The Post Office comes to mind. It is now bankrupt and on the skids. Business free of government regulation and taxation always delivers goods and services more effectively than government. Monopolistic practices by government results in the destruction of wealth and ultimately the bread line.

The current deplorable state of health care is a direct result of government enforcing monopolies and eliminating competition in the marketplace. The elimination of competition invariably leads to expensive and substandard services.

Wall Street does not represent small competitive business. It is a haven for the monopoly men who took over the government in the late 19th century -- JP Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the international bankers -- the same elite interests that instituted a national income tax and the Federal Reserve.

If the Federal Reserve was dismantled, honest money returned, and the monopoly men would be prevented from coercing government, small business would flourish and goods and services would be created to satisfy demand.

This is real capitalism, not the faux capitalism -- actually a version of mercantilism -- imposed by the elite through government. Socialists hate real capitalism.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

More tyranny at gunpoint, the sort of persuasion preferred by socialists. It is obvious the OWS socialists didn’t think this one through. They are obviously misinformed on how fractional reserve banking and the fiat money system work and how it perniciously destroys wealth. Wages are now largely and increasingly insufficient because of inflation that is epidemic (regardless of what the government and corporate media tell you) due to the fact the monetary base is "elastic," in other words manipulated and inflated by the Federal Reserve and the money masters. If you’d like to get an idea of how much the banksters have debased the dollar and jacked up inflation since 1913 (when the Federal Reserve was established), check out this nifty little calculator.

Demand four: Free college education.

Ain’t nothing free. If you’re going to provide a "free" service, somebody will have to be a slave to provide it, in this case the educator or the people who will be forced (at gunpoint) to pay for it.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

This is a cornerstone of the globalist plan to end modern civilization and force serfdom on the peons. If somebody can deliver cost efficient alternative energy to market, let them do it. Unfortunately, solar, wind and thermal energy cannot live up to our present energy demands.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

More socialism -- that is to say organized theft. But let’s say putting ourselves another trillion or so in debt to the bankers actually fixes the infrastructure problem. This could easily be paid for if the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, etc., were shut down and the troops brought home. The OWS folks have not addressed putting and end to the wars for some reason. Look below. Do you see a demand to end the wars?

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

See above. In order for this to work, the government will have to tell people (at gunpoint) how to use their land. Most people have a vested interest in protecting the forests, wetlands, rivers, etc., they own. Most pollution is the result of practices by transnational corporations that are allowed to engage in parasitical and destructive practices thanks to bought off government.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

The globalists can’t wait to get their bloody paws on the Constitution and deliver a fatal blow to our liberties. Might as well exploit race and gender to do it. Besides, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence already guarantee liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all humans regardless of race of gender.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

It should be obvious by now the globalists are behind this movement. One world government necessitates the elimination of borders and an end to national sovereignty. Desperate poor people rushing across open borders drives down the wages and living standards of American workers and this is precisely what the globalists want to do. So nice of the OWS crowd to accommodate them.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Paper ballots are a good idea, considering how the elite monkey with electronic voting machines and rig elections (not that they really need to -- a large number of people will vote for whatever teleprompter reader the elite decide to run). However, "international standards" and observers are an obvious reference to the United Nations. Do you want an avowed globalist organization with members from totalitarian nations micromanaging your elections?

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

This is about the only somewhat sensical "demand" of the lot. So-called sovereign debt imposed on America by international bankers -- money the American people do not owe -- should not only be forgiven, the perpetrators of the scam need to be arrested, tried by a jury of their peers and punished.

Credit swaps, derivatives, hedge fund scams -- these are tools used by the elite to decimate economies and prepare them to be merged into a one-world government scheme. Instead of allowing the banks to fail after these scams imploded in 2008, the government imposed bankster socialism, propped up the banks and insurance companies owned by the elite and further extended the rot by adding trillions to the so-called national debt. This was not an accident. It is part of a dedicated effort to impose world government and a world banking and political and social control system. The same scam is unfolding now as the Federal Reserve supposedly attempts to "stimulate" the economy by creating even more debt.

As for "all loans" being forgiven, this is nothing short of robbery. Loans agreed upon between individuals -- commercial loans through private institutions -- cannot be written off without destroying the integrity of contracts exercised by free individuals.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

More nanny state nonsense. If people want to avoid falling prey to such abusive practices, they will not consent to using (and abusing) credit cards. The problems presented by credit cards and the vultures that sell them will disappear with the re-introduction of honest money.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

Large unions of the type now showing up at OWS protests do not represent workers -- they are special interests. The fantasy of "collective bargaining" only works if business owners consent to the demands of workers and their so-called representatives. In the past, unions persuaded government to force corporations (at gunpoint) to accept the blackmail now euphemistically called "collective bargaining." Short of government coercion, workers have two options -- find a better job or exercise their right under the First Amendment to protest against alleged grievances and organize boycotts. Anything beyond that is a Mafia operation.

These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.

These demands will result in massive poverty and third-world conditions in the United States as business evaporates and government enforces its will through military dictatorship and slave labor like totalitarian and ostensibly communist governments do in China and North Korea.

Instead of the above "demands," the OWS protesters should insist that the Federal Reserve be eliminated and we return to honest money based on real wealth and not fraudulent numbers entered into bankster computers for the sake of defrauding and shaking down humanity.

Anything short of this will result in tyranny and enslavement.

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