Woman Faces 93 Days in Jail for Planting Vegetables in Her Front YardWJBK DetriotJul. 09, 2011 |
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OAK PARK, Mich. (WJBK) – “The price of organic food is kind of through the roof,” said Julie Bass. So, why not grow your own? However, Bass’ garden is a little unique because it’s in her front yard. “We thought it’d be really cool to do it so the neighbors could see. The kids love it. The kids from the neighborhood all come and help,” she said. Bass’ cool garden has landed her in hot water with the City of Oak Park. Code enforcement gave her a warning, then a ticket and now she’s been charged with a misdemeanor. Full story here. —————————————- From Julie Bass……. Our attorney spoke to the prosecutor today. (for the record, my crush on him is totally finished after today.) His position: they are going to take this all the way. Officially, this means i am facing 93 days in jail if they win. No joke. So, this is the time to ramp things up. this is the time to blog and facebook and twitter and send emails and do whatever other technology or grass roots stuff is out there, cuz the compost is hitting the fan. 93 days in jail over a vegetable garden. For a regular mom with several great children who has never been in trouble,who abides by the laws, who has no record, who has committed no crime, and who doesn't cause trouble. and I didn't do anything wrong. I wanted to just put that in writing to see if it made any more sense. It doesn't. Be outraged, please. be very outraged. |