Leftists love to act like Denmark is a socialist paradise, but the fact of the matter is Denmark has its problems, largely as a result of their socialist economic system.
I found this forum post from City-Data quite an entertaining:
Ok seriously I have been reading all over the Internet about how wonderful Denmark is and the comments are usually written by Americans.. So I just felt obligated to write this rant, not to burst your bubble but to give you people a little hardcore dose of reality.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you people? You have all the freedom you can ever have in the US and you sit here talking about how wonderful Denmark is? Let me tell you I live in this place and it is nowhere NEAR the fairytale that you people are describing.. It's basically a socialist hellhole, you get up, go to work and do the same sh.it day in day out.. you know there's a reason why they call the danes one of the happiest nations on earth.. Basically people have no expectations whatsoever.. Everything is already mediocre today so why should it be any different tomorrow? the prozac popping citizens of this country makes everything seem happy and all hunky dory to the outside world but did you know that over 450.000 people in this country are registered as "patients" in the system? When I say patients I mean people who either sees a psychiatrist or sees a psychiatrist and receives government funded medication... this is out of a population of 5,5 million people! 1 out of every 11!! That does not even count half of the people who smoke weed and drink their their brains out every week.
As a wise man once said..
"you would have to be cortically challenged to want to live in Denmark, unless you are a spineless and unproductive welfare leech"
Yes you can make a fair lump of money on paper but have any of you people ever tried seeing 50-60% of your monthly salary cut away while some useless socialist politician tells you "Those high taxes are for the common good, you now have access to free healthcare blah blah blah"
Let me tell you free healthcare is BULL and you will basically die waiting for treatment… Hell I almost did, but luckily I got treatment at a private hospital and It was worth it! I would much rather pay a private insurance company to get in and out of the hospital alive! and you know what? I already do just as hundreds of thousands of citizens in this socialist country, Guess what Americans! Wakeup call! People who can afford it here have an expensive private health insurance just as you do! Because ending up at a hospital with a serious illness is not good when the hospital is run upon a socialist system! Many of us basically die on the waiting list and the media just covers it up!, It's just like death row!
Anyways.. Enough about that.. What more is there to rant about? Oohh Of course.. The worlds highest income taxation! Yes that's right.. We are the highest tax paying country ever! woohoo! I'm such a happy dane... NOT! Well let my tell you the average tax payed by a dane this year is 57.5% That means that we basically work for FREE 201 days of the year.. The rest goes into our own (very small) pockets.. ohh and the general sales tax is 25%!! for you American that means that the same friggin ipod that you buy for $200 or whatever will cost you At least 250 in Denmark.. And that usually isn't the case! The government will add hundreds of different made up bull**** eco and whatnot taxes onto that product so it would probably cost over $350...! Let me give you a real life example..
A few month ago I really wanted one of those nice Apple Cinema displays right? So I looked at apples website and it cost about 9000 DKK that means in America it would cost me about $1800.. but here in Denmark it would cost me a wooping 2900!!!! is it OK to say that we are being RAPED?
OHHH!! Guess what! The general sales tax does NOT apply to vehicles.. Cars, motorcycles etc. Ohh nononono there are completely different rules for this can you guess what tax percentage on a car will be? Let me burst your bubble.. 210%.. FRIGGIN 210 P E R C E N T!!
And what does that mean? Lets demonstrate that in real life.. A really nice car would cost what? About $50.000 in the United States? Wanna buy the same car while living in Denmark? Guess what? That same car will now cost you $155.000!! You could buy a friggin Ferrari for that amount back in the states! So If you ever come to Denmark.. Don't wonder why there are no nice cars around and why the cars are so small, so old, polluting and rusty.. You can just merely tell yourself that it is because if it was up to the goverment we would all be riding our freakin bicycles like the happy prozac popping communists that we are.. in the pouring rain! You know there is a saying "You've been in Denmark too long when a Ford Escort starts to look like a nice ride."
Oh! and by the way.. gas is 9 dollars a gallon because of the governments "special tax" added to all gasoline and diesel. It's basically just a scheme to get people out of their cars and onto their ****ty little bikes.
I know.. You are thinking, well public transportation is great over there!... UMMM NO?? This country possibly has the WORST public transportation in the world so you have two choices.. Ride the bus and get late to work and get raped by your boss... OOORR buy a car and get raped by the government.
What else is Rotten in Denmark that I haven't told you about?
CRIME!!!! Did you know that the state prison here has a special suite for the prisoners to rent for a weekend to stay in with their girlfriend, wife or family..? Did you know the prison has a cinema? All Inmates have their own little kitchen and nice table with a big window and everything, pretty comfortable bed also. Ohh they also have internet access isn't it great!.....NOT!!!
This place is CRIME HAVEN.. You can literally run somebody over and kill him! On purpose with your car and get off by telling the authorities that you fell asleep, you just get a short manslaughter sentence a little fine and a new drivers test! And don't get me wrong, prison here is LUXURY.. It's just like home! Some of the criminals in danish prisons actually do crime just to get locked up because it's so nice, they get free meals and get to sit in a nice cell all day long. If they are bored they can well... Get their girlfriends to come over or go to the cinema.
Guess what? This country even has Open prisons.. Yeah that's right the inmates get a curfew and they can leave.
I'm telling you, leave this glorified idea it's a fairytale. The list of negative things is basically too long to mention here but the day one of you unfortunate fools move here and tries to buy a car please call me! I really want to hear the trembling in your voice when you find out that a small factory new eco car will cost you $70.000 and upwards, or that the real estate broker is trying to charge you $600.000 for a half decent hundred year old apartment.. (they are literally 100+ year old most places) You know there is a reason why denmark is having so much trouble holding on to a decent educated workforce.. because the youth of this country immediately leaves after they finish up the university. They move to america, germany, italy spain etc.. Completely debt free. This is really one of the only true good benefits, a free education system that you can exploit and then move to a better country.
Please have a look at this file written buy a Dane before you consider moving here and PLEASE take the information seriously because it will come back and haunt you the day you are living on this forsaken soil.
http://haxor.dk/articles/dksucks.html (broken link)
Great article on the danish mentality
Let me tell you, the two worst! and I mean absolutely worst things about this place is the mentality of the people, If you ever come here and buy a really nice house or a car (if you can afford it) don't tell anyone! People will despise, hate and loath you for it! They won't tell you but you will feel the wrath of their jealousy.. If you're lucky you might have a few people who will congratulate you. There are a few things in this country that is absolutely taboo.. Success and Wealth! They won't have it! They will hate you for it, If you are an American who have a few million saved up on your account and ready to retire in Denmark.. Just don't! And if you do remember to tell people that you are making whatever the average salary is that year, that way you can avoid social persecution.
Anyways you can read more about this sort of social behavior if you Google "law of jante" , danish society is basically built around these fictional rules.
Let me just give you Americans a little piece of advice and I hope that you take it seriously.
If you really must insist that this place is 'OHHhh Soo! heavenly!!' Consider moving to southern Sweden and drive to Denmark to work across the bridge connecting the two countries.. Just As many other danes who have seen the light are already doing, Sweden is a MUCH cleaner country, the streets are dirtless unlike Danish streets. Everything isn't taxed to death.. I mean even toilet paper and toothpaste is taxed in Denmark for god sake!! In Sweden cars are tax free so you will be able to buy a really decent car at very cheap prices.. Believe me, you will thank me when the harsh winter kicks in.. It's no fun riding your bicycle in pouring rain and snow even though it does look OoooOoohhh so idyllic when watching propaganda videos of happy bicyclists videos of Ultra-Socialist Denmark on Youtube.
In Sweden houses and apartments are alot more high standard and affordable, Swedes are more financially liberal and the government won't try to snake out hundreds of different rules and regulations to try taxing you for something you don't really need or want. And of course Sweden is also a socialist country so there will be "free-healthcare" for you people that apparently crave this fairytale public service. Basically you can have the best of both worlds.. The Wonderful financial freedom and cleanliness of Sweden.. Not to mention the beautiful nature but you can also receive the mediocre but safe salary in Denmark.
Living in Sweden while driving to work in Denmark is probably the ultimate luxury for the average welfare leeching underachiever of socialist Scandinavia and this is the ultimate truth that I have concluded after living here for 20 years so whether or not you choose to believe this is entirely up to you.
And no I'm not old and grumpy but young and healthy, the lose backbone of this country that will hopefully leave soon if everything turns out as planned.
If you have any questions please post them here.. If this rant helped you realize how shitty this place is please tell me! Then at least I will know that I saved a few fools. [Some spelling errors have been corrected.]