Judge Napolitano: Congressman Rohrabacher Told Me Almost All House Republicans Now Think Iraq War Illegal, Immoral

Paul Joseph Watson
Jun. 25, 2010

Judge Andrew Napolitano's new Saturday show on the Fox Business Network is set to send shock waves through the political establishment this weekend when his guest -- Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher -- reveals that almost all House Republicans now believe that the invasion of Iraq was not only a mistake, but also illegal and immoral.

"This morning when we taped our show for this weekend, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a right down the middle conservative Republican from southern California, former speech writer for Ronald Reagan, looked at me and said 'almost all Republicans in the House of Representatives now believe that the war in Iraq was a mistake, that it was unlawful, that it was immoral, that it wasn't worth the lives lost or the trillions that will be spent'," Napolitano told The Alex Jones Show.

"That is newsworthy that he would say it, it is newsworthy that so many Republicans would change their mind," added Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge.

As far back as three years ago, GOP support for the war in Iraq was beginning to waver, with a CNN poll finding that 38 percent of Republicans opposed the war. The recent primary success of anti-incumbent candidates like Rand Paul, a vocal critic of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, shows that the tide has rapidly turned.

Napolitano pointed out that when he attacked the Bush administration for abusing the constitution, Republicans were upset, but that they are now starting to realize how government is supposed to operate as it was intended by the founding fathers.

Napolitano's show, which was broadcast solely on the Internet until last week, achieved top ratings for its premiere on the Fox Business Network, with viewers hungry to hear true libertarian viewpoints outside of the controlled statist neo-lib/neo-con paradigm.

"There is a thirst out there for a focus on the government that has a bias in favor of human liberty and believes that the individual is greater than the state, that the individual has natural rights and an immortal soul and the government is just an artificial creation based on fear and force," summarized Napolitano.

Napolitano's popularity has even made him a target with his own colleagues. Fellow Fox News host, neo-con and habitual government apologist Shep Smith attacked Napolitano yesterday for "standing up for BP," when in reality the Judge was merely pointing out that the government has no business under the constitution in regulating the affairs of private companies.

The revelation that almost all House Republicans now consider the invasion of Iraq to have been illegal, immoral and a giant mistake illustrates how far we have come in destroying the phony left-right paradigm.

Now that Obama has continued and indeed expanded the Bush doctrine of military imperialism and occupation, many establishment neo-libs are defending the wars that they once opposed. Obama campaigned as the "peace candidate," yet has broken every promise he made and is now a bigger warmonger than George W. Bush. With troops still yet to leave Afghanistan or Iraq, Obama has made it clear that a military attack on Iran is not "off the table".

Obama now has more American troops deployed than at any time under Bush. The date for withdrawing troops from Iraq is continually pushed back, and even then it is admitted that a "residual force" of tens of thousands of troops will remain to occupy the country.

Now that the vast majority of Republican Congress members oppose the occupation of Iraq, resolutions need be introduced to bring the troops home from not only Iraq but Afghanistan too, with U.S. forces still engaged in two unwinnable wars which are bankrupting the already shattered U.S. economy while returning nothing but the flag-draped coffins of dead American soldiers.

Watch the full interview with Napolitano below.

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