Rand Paul: 'We've come to take our government back'

By Perry Bacon Jr.
Washington Post
May. 18, 2010

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. - Rand Paul delivered a fiery speech here Tuesday to celebrate his easy victory in the Republican primary to replace retiring Sen. Jim Bunning (R).

 "I have a message from the tea party," he told several hundred supporters at a country club in this western Kentucky town where he lives. "A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words. We've come to take our government back."

 Casting his victory as part of the larger success of the tea party movement, he said

"what you have done and what we are doing can transform America."

 "It's a nationwide movement,"he added, "What I say to Washington is watch out, here we come."

 Paul was joined on stage by his father, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) who in his 2008 presidential campaign touted many of the same anti-government themes that drove his son's victory. Ron Paul did not speak during the rally, but beamed as he talked to reporters afterward about the victory.

"It symbolizes the growth of the freedom movement," Ron Paul said.

Rand Paul's unlikely victory completed an unusual journey from a virtual unknown in this state who had never held office before to the GOP Senate nominee. He easily defeated Trey Grayson, Kentucky's secretary of state, who had been endorsed by many powerful figures in the state.

"I know one man can't do anything by himself, but this is a good start," said Louie Floyd, who said he drove more than 100 miles to attend the Paul event. "People in Washington are just spending too much money."

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