Report commissioned by Legislature says higher taxes needed to improve lives

by Douglas French
Mises Economics Blog
May. 12, 2010

Twenty concerned citizens in the Silver State were appointed to the Nevada Vision Stakeholders Group which has produced a study saying that the state must have a steady tax stream no matter what’s going on with the economy.

Yes and we need diversity, the group says. Yes, that’s the ticket! “The state needs to attract more green-energy companies and new technology-based firms,” Don Snyder added. The state is just too dependent on mining and gambling.

And a new highway between Vegas and Phoenix is needed. And a high-speed train between Vegas and Reno and Southern California. Sound crazy? Too expensive? “Despite current tight state and local budgets, now is the time to implement the structural changes and investments that Nevada needs to change its course, lest the obstacles that it faces become insurmountable in the years ahead,” the group’s draft study said.

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