IRS Says It Needs More 'Resources' to Implement Tax Provisions of New Law

ABC News
Mar. 30, 2010

Ask critics of the Democrats’ health care overhaul about the law’s impact, and among the “horrors” they may describe is an army of Internal Revenue Service agents with “dangerously expanded authority.”

Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee warn that as many as 16,500 new IRS auditors and investigators — or 17 percent of the agency’s current work force — could be needed to administer and enforce new health insurance rules under the law.

That could mean more audits, confiscated refunds and incursions into details of individuals’ health insurance plans — all at a cost of up to $10 billion over 10 years, they said in a report published last week.

“When most people think of health care reform, they think of more doctor exams, not more IRS exams,” said Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, ranking member on the House Joint Economic Committee. “Isn’t the federal government already intruding enough into our lives?”

Full story here.

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