Korea Tensions Pale Alongside Agenda To Attack Iran

Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Mar. 26, 2010

An incident in the Yellow Sea that could trigger further heightened tension between North and South Korea is likely to be played down by the globalist power structure in the U.S. because it threatens the focus of their agenda in the middle east.

Reports suggest that a South Korean ship sunk in waters south of the maritime border could have been struck by a North Korean torpedo.

Many of the crew of 104 are feared dead and further reports have suggested that another South Korean ship has fired at unidentified objects, in the direction of North Korea, while patrolling in nearby waters.

The details are unclear at this time. All that is confirmed is that the 1,200-ton Cheonan began to sink around 9:45 p.m. off Baengnyeong Island in the West Sea, following an explosion in the stern.

The news broke shortly after North Korea announced it was fortifying its naval force in response to joint US-South Korean military exercises held earlier this month.

Tensions have been running high between the two Koreas recently, following the North's unilateral withdrawal from the armistice defining the border between the two countries last May, returning the two countries to a de jure state of war.

In January, the North lashed out at the South's plan to launch a "preemptive strike" to thwart any nuclear attack from Pyongyang, with State media calling it "an open declaration of war".

In February, South Korea announced that it had deployed advanced weapons-tracking radar systems on islands near its disputed Yellow Sea border with North Korea following artillery barrages by the North.

After declaring two "no sail" zones, the communist state fired 370 shells into the sea near the border over three straight days, heightening tensions on the Korean peninsula.

The sea border was the scene of two previous deadly naval battles in 1999 and 2002.

Hours before today's incident, North Korea's military accused the United States and South Korea of trying to topple the Pyongyang regime and said it was ready to launch nuclear attacks to frustrate any provocations.

The U.S. has some 29,000 troops stationed throughout South Korea, present since the end of the Korean War in 1953. A Mutual Security Agreement between the two countries ties the U.S. into defending South Korea in the event of outside aggression.

The U.S. will almost certainly do its utmost to play down the incident, given that a war with a heavily armed nuclear Communist nation won't sit so well with the American people.

Any military confrontation could also ultimately lead to a conflict with China, North Korea's close neighbor and ally.

Indeed, damage control already begun, with the Joint Chiefs of Staff stating there is a possibility that the explosion was caused by the boat's own explosives.

"We do not know the cause of the incident, so we cannot clearly say the sinking was caused by North Korea," Rear Admiral Lee told reporters.

The JCS have also said that the suspicious object fired upon after it appeared on the second South Korean ship's radar was believed to be a flock of birds.

Furthermore, as we have consistently highlighted, the U.S. power structure and its military industrial complex bedfellows do not want the origins of North Korea's devastating weapons arsenal made common knowledge.

Despite the fact that North Korea routinely threatens to nuke the rest of the world, runs long range missile tests like there's no tomorrow, has starved up to four million of its citizens to death, and ships political dissidents and protesters off to a network of forced labor gulags, we are supposed to believe that Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan is the most deadly threat to the world.

North Korea is a constant nuisance to the globalist rulers in the West, because it becomes a great deal more difficult to sell the idea of wars against countries with little means of defending themselves against the might of the most powerful military on the planet while a hereditary Stalinist dictatorship is threatening to nuke us into extinction.

"Rogue" states with limited defensive capabilities are targeted by the globalists on a whim, but countries that have amassed a nuclear arsenal, with receipts from the US government to prove it, seem to become immune to the global "democracy drive", no matter how atrocious their human rights record.

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