Reality Reversals Continue: Scientists Now Propose That Ritalin Boosts Learning

Mar. 11, 2010

Just in case you doubted the complete incompetence of medical scientists after the H1N1 swine flu scam, they are now claiming that the ADHD drug Ritalin boosts learning.

Oh yes, you heard right! Ritalin, a drug that causes brain changes similar to cocaine is going to help people learn now. Ritalin is the brand name for methylphenidate. Although introduced way back in 1956, experts still aren’t sure exactly how it works. It is a stimulant. Methylphenidate affects the way a patient’s brain responds to impulses.

It can cause anorexia, heart palpitations, blood pressure/pulse changes, cardiac arrhythmia, anemia, psychosis, liver failure, brain inflammation, decreased white blood cell count among other effects. However, according to scientists studying the drug, the risks just don't exceed the learning benefits acquired by children who use the drug.

The scientists claimed their study showed that Ritalin boosts cognitive abilities by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine deep inside the brain. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers neurons use to communicate with each other. They release the molecule, which then docks onto receptors of other neurons.

The scientists also state that Ritalin produces these effects by enhancing brain plasticity – strengthening communication between neurons where they meet at the synapse.

Of course the research is only leading to more invasive drugs that will further lobotomize our children. "...the finding could help in the development of better targeted drugs, with fewer side effects, to increase focus and learning," said Antonello Bonci, MD, principal investigator at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center and professor of neurology at UCSF. The Gallo Center is affiliated with the UCSF Department of Neurology.

Bonci is co-senior author of the paper, which was published online in "Nature Neuroscience" on Sunday, March 7, 2010.

"We found that a dopamine receptor, known as the D2 receptor, controls the ability to stay focused on a task ..." said Patricia Janak, PhD, co-senior author on the paper. "But we also discovered that another dopamine receptor, D1, underlies learning efficiency."

What Bonci and his colleagues fail to highlight is that ALL past research regarding learning efficiency and focus involving Ritalin and dopamine receptors is short term. High levels of dopamine in the brain cause children to lose contact with reality. It is not a drug to give a child in the short-term or long-term because of its destructive nature on the brain.

The short-term effects of Ritalin are increased attentiveness and energy, faster heartbeat and breathing, high blood pressure, perspiration, dilated pupils and dry mouth. Users typically feel more talkative, restless and excited. They also tend to feel powerful, superior, aggressive, and even hostile at times. They can exhibit bizarre and repetitive behavior. Long-term use produces flushing, tremors and hallucinations. Death can be caused due to burst blood vessels, heart failure and fever.

Violence is a leading cause of amphetamine-related deaths. Violent tendencies can develop after even regular use.

Long-term effects for chronic heavy users are malnutrition and amphetamine psychosis, a mental illness characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and/or paranoia. Is that worth a boost in learning and focus?

The lead author of the paper Kay M. Tye, PhD, admits they don't have a clue which changes in the brain's mechanism are caused by using the drug. "Although Ritalin is so frequently prescribed, it induces many brain changes, making it difficult to identify which of those changes improve learning." she said.

Children are dying at unprecedented rates from drugs like Ritalain. An excellent documentary Generation Rx, details the disturbing and ongoing chemical abuse of children by conventional medicine. The prescription of psychiatric drugs to the masses, specifically children, are altering their minds, bodies and entire lives.

The only objective of studies such Bonci's is to develop more lethal versions of methylphenidates which will further intoxicate young minds and disable them as they age, causing additional symptoms that be can be treated with additional drugs. It's not about helping kids, it's about destroying their lives.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

Reference Sources 125, 226 March 8, 2010

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