Neo-cons Whine and Cry Over Ron Paul CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Win!

Feb. 20, 2010

Of note: "80% of respondents said that individual freedom and small government is more important to them than social conservative issues like abortion and gay marriage (9%), and national security (7%)."From
"This means nothing, obviously. Ron Paul’s cult will follow him to the ends of the Earth.

But yes, we have been invaded by loons."

"Great, so the Ron Paul a$$holes just destroyed basically the only legitimate guage we had of where this party is going for 2012."

"CNN reporting the same this – somehow these nutcases managed to stock CPAC.

So now we’re clueless about where things stand for next year."

"Hunter Says:
February 20th, 2010 at 5:38 pm

LOL. The Ron Paul Revolution marches on!!!1"

"mises Says:
February 20th, 2010 at 5:55 pm

The only nutcases and loons are “republicans” who are content to allow the Federal Reserve to continue stealing the purchasing power of their money. END THE FED."

"DerekT Says:
February 20th, 2010 at 6:39 pm

Ron Paul makes sense, maybe that’s why he won."

"Liberty or Death Says:
February 20th, 2010 at 6:45 pm

Awww are your feelings hurt by Ron’s win neo-con cancer? because the republican party WAS originally a paleo-con party and will be once you shake you back to the socialist holes you came from."

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