Video: FEMA Training Police "Founding Fathers Were Terrorists"

Feb. 08, 2010

I woke up seven years ago after I downloaded what I thought was "Fahrenheit 911" off Kazaa after Michael Moore encouraged people to download his movie, when I loaded it up it was not "Fahrenheit 911" but instead "911: The Road to Tyranny". I was hooked immediately and I watched the whole thing straight through. When it came to these clips about half-way through I realized there was no denying it, we the people are the 'terrorists.' The entire police state and empire is set up for us. My brother and I started this site one year later. ...and no I never watched Fahrenheit 911! ;) - ChrisPart 1

Alex Jones proving beyond any reasonable doubt that your government declared YOU the people already before 9/11 as terrorists, criminals, worthless subjects to a self proclaimed non-personal royalty known as "The Feds".

Part 2

Footage of a FEMA Instructor teaching police and firefighters that the "Founding Fathers were terrorists," and demonizing Christians and patriots.

Watch the Full Video Here

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