ABC News: No Evidence Of Lobbyists During Obamacare Protest

Democrat claims that spontaneous protests are manufactured disproved again as more citizens express anger at totalitarian Obama health bill
Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet
Aug. 07, 2009

Attempts on behalf of government media fronts to quell spontaneous riots breaking out at town hall meetings amidst anger about Obama’s health care bill by claiming they are manufactured was disproved once again, as ABC News reported that no lobbyists were present at a meeting in Maryland on Tuesday night.

As we reported earlier this week, the George Soros funded Think Progress blog, which is the Internet arm of the Center for American Progress, and has bestowed upon itself the duty of "driving the White House's message and agenda," according to its own director Jennifer Palmieri, was at the forefront of attempts to claim that the spontaneous town hall protests were manufactured by lobbyist groups. This talking point has been parroted by other establishment liberal news outlets in an attempt to divide the issue down partisan lines.

As numerous callers who were at the meetings attested to on the Alex Jones Show, the protests were completely organic and were not prompted by lobbyists at all. People showing up at town hall meetings and opposing Obamacare are citizens " not insurance industry operatives or specifically Republicans " who understand very well what the plan means: a totalitarian health care system of medical rationing operated by the government.

Indeed, the event in South Austin at which Democrat Rep. Lloyd Doggett was heckled and hounded by the crowd, was attended largely by Democrats because only registered Democrats received mailings about the event.

Now ABC News reports that at a similar event in Eastern Maryland attended by Rep. Frank Kratovil, during which the crowd vented their anger and frustration about how the health care bill was an assault on their liberty, there was no evidence that the protests were manufactured by lobbyists.
"There were no lobbyist-funded buses in the parking lot of Mardela Middle and High School on Tuesday evening, and the hundreds of Eastern Maryland residents who packed the school's auditorium loudly refuted the notion that their anger over the Democrats' health care reform plans is "manufactured," reports ABC's Steven Portnoy.

"I went to school in this school," a man named Bob told me. "I don’t see anyone in this room that isn’t from Mardela Springs right now."

"We've been quiet too long," said a woman named Joan.
Kratovil came under fire from the audience because of his "undecided" stance on the health care bill, and the crowd soon made their feelings known, with one man shouting, "Our freedom is being taken from us!"

Others yelled, "you don’t get it!," "you’re deceiving us!", while another shouted "This bill is un-American."

Similar scenes are unfolding across the country, including in Worcester Massachusetts, where Reps. James P. McGovern and Richard E. Neal were heckled and booed by the audience after expressing support for Obama’s health care agenda.

Meanwhile in Little Rock Arkansas, U.S. Rep. Mike Ross fellow Democratic Rep. Vic Snyder sat with their head in their hands as a crowd heckled and booed them for refusing to oppose the bill.

Government media fronts like Think Progress and others have attempted to portray the dissenters as a minority of the crowd in every instance, yet the Associated Press reported that "much of the crowd opposed Obama’s plan" in Little Rock.

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