To be governed...

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Jul. 15, 2009

I was watching some public access station which was airing local politics, it was a tiny city government in a town around where I live, they were discussing how they are going to implement some new green housing codes, which as they said according to the EPA's own estimates it would cost the average homeowner 8 to 10 thousand dollars to bring their home up to standards. (a.k.a. over half the average person's yearly income) They all voted for it unanimously.

What was interesting was one of the people on the board, this older Russian man, commenting saying, "we shouldn't talk about this until after the summer is over, people are paying too much attention during the summer."

Well, isn't that interesting. So here in our local area, our little local government is busy micromanaging the plebes just as the mini Hitlers in Washington are, even going so far as to openly say with the full knowledge they are being recorded 'lets shove this down everyone's throats when they are not paying attention.'

These people are total predators, it's ridiculous, and they know full well they can just go hog wild looting and pillaging because for the most part no one even knows what they do or even that they exist. I know personally I just assumed they were doing pointless little local tasks, rezoning etc. I didn't think they would be forcing everyone to go green under essentially the barrel of the gun. Who even knows what other crimes they are casually committing? - Chris, IL
“To be governed is to be watched over, inspected, spied on, directed, legislated over, regulated, docketed, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, assessed, weighed, censored, ordered about, by men who have neither right, nor knowledge, nor virtue”. - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

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