Things are bad: What do we do about it?

Chris | InformationLiberation
Jun. 18, 2009

InformationLiberation Commentary:

*The following is my response to this poster. I explain what I feel is the main problem in the world and how to fix it.* - Chris

Well let me ask, who do you think created them (the problems of the world)?

When I say 'our' I'm speaking in terms of people like myself, IE living breathing humans with empathy and emotion, the majority of humanity.

The people who create the problems are a tiny minority of 'deviants', IE they've deviated from human nature completely, call them psychopaths, demons, whatever you want, the fact of the matter is they're devoid of a conscience and they are total predators.

Do we just round them all up?

No, I don't think so, if they commit a criminal act they have to be treated just like any other criminal, they shouldn't be made a senator or president or some CEO as a result of their ruthlessness.

There needs to just be a general knowledge and understanding of these predator types, they are extremely cunning and underhanded but their mores cannot stand up when they face the light of day.

The problem is these types create a situation where one bad apple can spoil the bunch, they prey on peoples insecurities and fears and can control them as a result.

People need to be knowledgeable of this reality and not allow these psychopaths to control them, they need to protect their children from these types and teach them how to spot a psychopath from a very young age. My father taught me when I was young (though not young enough) an easy way to tell if someone is essentially psychopathic is to ask them 'what do you think?' instead of simply talking and letting them respond and tell you what you want to hear. Ask them their thoughts on a subject, really quiz them and you will get a lot of insight into their character (or lack thereof).

Currently most parents unknowingly teach their children the opposite through 'tolerance' training.

It is common for a child to inherently dislike someone or be afraid of them, it's wrong to tell them they are wrong for disliking someone based off the child's inherent character analysis, they must be allowed to judge people for themselves, even if they are seemingly totally wrong you must let them make their own mistakes and learn from them, you cannot force them to 'like' someone.

Realistically the majority of the time their instincts are going to be right, even if you don't see it, they do. It's human instincts and they should be cultivated instead of being extinguished and told they don't exist. - Chris, IL

Related: Psychopaths Among Us
Everybody knows things are bad in the world. Everything is not peachy. The problems are innumerable, the economy, our freedoms, our happiness, our quality of life, we are suffering in all aspects of life and though we hope for a better future we feel as though the things which are outside of our control will only get worse. The situation we are in is overwhelming, we feel like there is something we can do but we don't know what to do! Whenever anyone is faced with this overwhelming situation, the question always becomes "what do we do about it?"


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