Abortion numbers for disabilities should be kept secret: Government lawyers

Releasing data on the number of abortions performed for conditions like clubroot and cleft palate may cause "mental distress or harm" to vulnerable women and must be kept secret, lawyers for the Department of Health have argued.
by Rebecca Smith, Medi

The Telegraph
Jun. 14, 2009

Christina Michalos said the data related to "sensitive, personal and private" medical information of women who had had a "devastating experience".

Withholding data relating to small numbers is common practice because it is argued that merely knowing that fewer than ten people are involved could lead to their identity becoming known.

The Department of Health is attempting to block the release of data showing the numbers of abortions performed after 24 weeks gestation due to disabilities.

The ProLife Alliance challenged this with a request for the data under the Freedom of Information Act. When the Department of Health refused, the Information Commissioner ruled the data must be released.

Now an appeal against the Commissioner's decision is being heard in central London.

Ms Michalos said such disclosure may cause "mental distress or harm" if an individual realised they were the only case in the UK.

She also said that publication of the data could lead to women trying to "seek out" others who had had a similar experience.

"This case is about the protection of privacy, it is not about politics," Ms Michalos said.

"It's the right of any person to keep their personal medical information private."

She said the total number of cases in the UK was "very low" and publishing the data would lead to the public identification of vulnerable women and the limited number of practitioners who are prepared to carry out abortions after 24 weeks.

Abortions can be carried out up until birth under category E, which relates to disability, as long as two doctors agree the procedure should be performed.

There is no list exempting certain conditions, such as cleft palate or clubroot.

Such data – involving abortions carried out for reasons like cleft palate, club foot and webbed fingers or toes – was published until 2002.

But ministers stopped the practice if fewer than 10 cases were involved, saying there was a risk the women or doctors could be identified.

Ministers originally called for the four-day hearing to be held in private so the data could be discussed.

An agreement has since been reached with the Information Commissioner's Office for only part of the hearing to be heard in private.

Earlier, Fiona Henderson, deputy chairman of the tribunal, declined permission for the ProLife Alliance to call Tory MP Ann Widdecombe to give evidence in addition to a written statement submitted previously.

Miss Widdecombe was ridiculed during a debate on abortion in Parliament when she suggested that the abortion law would lead to terminations being carried out for reasons like clubroot and cleft palate, the tribunal heard.

Timothy Pitt-Payne, representing the Information Commissioner, admitted the tribunal was dealing with "highly controversial subject matter" and said the commissioner was "not taking a position on the rights or wrongs of abortion".

He said the requested information did not constitute personal data simply because of the "mere fact" the Department of Health also had access to the names of the patients.

He also said the argument that publishing the data could motivate someone to make further inquiries into the individuals behind it was not enough to prevent its publication.

Mr Pitt-Payne said both arguments would "spread the net too widely" over what must be kept secret.

The hearing continues.

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