RAF jets intercept eight Russian bombers

By David Blair
The Telegraph
Sep. 07, 2007

The RAF carried out its biggest operation to protect British airspace since the Cold War when four Tornados were scrambled to intercept eight Russian bombers approaching over the Atlantic.

An early warning aircraft and a VC-10 tanker were also launched to support the British fighters responding to apparent sabre-rattling by President Vladimir Putin.

The Russian aircraft, all Tupolev 95s, codenamed "Bears" by Nato, turned back before reaching British airspace.

This was the biggest deployment of Russian bombers to probe British air defences since the Cold War. Although the ''Bear'' is obsolescent, dating from the 1950s, Russia uses it for long-range reconnaissance missions, designed to test an opponent's reaction time.

Flush with oil wealth, Russia has become increasingly assertive in recent months. President Putin has consciously revived memories of the Cold War by sending bombers to test the air defences of Nato countries, notably Norway and America as well as Britain.

In Thursday's incident Norway's air force was the first to intercept the Russian formation over the Barents Sea.

Shadowed by Norwegian F-16 fighters, the ''Bears'' continued their patrol and entered airspace over the Atlantic which Britain is responsible for protecting.

The RAF keeps four fighters - either Tornado F3s or Eurofighter Typhoons - on "quick reaction alert" to intercept intruders, which yesterday launched from RAF Leeming in Yorkshire.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said the Tornadoes were scrambled at first light.

Because of the size of the Russian formation and the need to "monitor the air picture", a Boeing E3 Sentry early warning aircraft, capable of providing long-range radar coverage and guidance for the fighters, was launched from RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire.

The distance the RAF jets would have to travel and the time they might spend shadowing the Russian bombers was unclear. So a VC-10 tanker, able to provide air-to-air refuelling, also took off from RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire.

By sunrise, four of the jets that Britain relies on to guard its airspace were heading towards the North Atlantic. But an MoD spokesman denied that the country was left undefended for any period.

''Once the first two aircraft are launched, we stand up another two, we arm them and we get the crews ready. We can do that in pretty in short order. So for every two that go up, we make sure that another two are ready," he said.

The Tornados intercepted the Russian aircraft over the Atlantic, using procedures developed during the Cold War.

They shadowed the ''Bears'', carefully tracking their progress. The MoD said that all the Russian aircraft turned back before reaching British airspace.

"People may believe this is all pretty simple. But in fact there's a lot to this and that's why we have to be very well practised and coordinated," said an RAF officer.

The incident is the latest in a campaign of muscle-flexing by the Kremlin designed to put pressure on both the West and Russia's neighbours.

The former Soviet Republics of Georgia and Ukraine, have come under direct pressure from the Kremlin.

Both have seen their crucial supplies of natural gas disrupted after defying Russia.

But a British official said that despite recent tensions, Russia was still seen as "key international partner".

RAF Tornados fact sheet

Roles: Long-distance patrol and air defence. Equipped with external fuel pods for long-range missions

Crew: Two (plot and weapons officer)

Max speed: Mach 2.2

Max Altitude: 50,000ft

Weapons: Sidewinder and AMRAAM air-to-air missiles. ASRAAM missiles. Mauser 27mm cannon.

Developed: from original Tornado GR1 attack aircraft in the late 1970s

Entered service: 1986, replacing the RAF's Lightning and Phantom fighters

Replaced: by Typhoon F2 Eurofighter tornado firepower

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