Looters Target Cargo Trains, Steal Packages And Leave Garbage Strewn All Over The Tracks in Los Angeles
InformationLiberationJan 15
Viral video out of Los Angeles shows the aftermath of seemingly endless lootings of Union Pacific trains carrying packages for Amazon, UPS, FedEx and more.
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U.S. Inflation Rate Hits Highest Level In Nearly 40 Years
InformationLiberationJan 13
America is experiencing record inflation, record supply shortages, record crime, record illegal immigration and record covid cases.
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Americans Find Empty Shelves At Grocery Stores Across The Country Amid Omicron Surge
InformationLiberationJan 13
I wrote an article on Dec 31 urging readers to "Stock up NOW" ahead of a potential Omicron-induced surge in panic buying and workers calling in sick.
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Stock Up NOW: Panic Buying May Be Just Around The Corner As Covid Cases Smash Through Records [UPDATE: Panic Already Spreading Among Libtards]
InformationLiberationDec 31
The covid surge we appear to be facing could be so massive it may shut down the economy for weeks.
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Manchin Shuts Down Build Back Better Boondoggle, Journos Hardest Hit
InformationLiberationDec 20
Journos were hoping they were going to get massive tax cuts and get paid nearly $2 billion to become de facto state media outlets thanks to a buried provision in the Biden regime's Build Back Better bill.
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San Francisco Bay Area Car Owners Leaving Trunks Open In Bid To Avoid Smash And Grabs
InformationLiberationDec 17
Increasingly desperate car owners in the San Francisco Bay Area are leaving their trunks wide open in a bid to avoid having their windows smashed in by looters.
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Flash Looting Bonanza: Exotic Car Dealership Looted Of 'Over $1M Worth Of Watches,' Tons More Stores Hit
InformationLiberationDec 15
An exotic car dealership in Chicago was flash looted by armed thugs on Saturday who reportedly got away with $1-2 million worth of watches.
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Pharmacy, Cannabis Dispensary And Other Stores Flash Robbed in Oakland
InformationLiberationNov 22
A series of flash robberies involving hordes of thugs were caught on video over the weekend in Oakland, California.
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Shopping At The Mall In The New America
InformationLiberationNov 22
Videos from just the past week show multiple smash-and-grabs, flash lootings, shootings and wild fights at malls across America.
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St. Louis Fed: With Meat Prices Soaring, Eat Soybeans Instead Of Turkey This Thanksgiving
InformationLiberationNov 22
The Federal Reserve is encouraging Americans to eat soybeans instead of turkey this Thanksgiving due to soaring meat prices.
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80-Strong Mob Flash Loot Nordstom in San Francisco Bay Area
InformationLiberationNov 21
An estimated 80-strong mob in 25 cars blocked the street and carried out an organized flash looting of a Nordstrom in Walnut Creek on Saturday night.
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Louis Vuitton Looted in San Francisco, Chicago Store Hit Just Days Earlier
InformationLiberationNov 20
A Louis Vuitton store and other high-end retailers in San Francisco's Union Square were looted on Friday night in the wake of Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal, though it's not clear whether the two incidents are connected as such looting has become commonplace.
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U.S. Experiencing Shortages of 100+ Drugs Including Narcan And Insulin As Record Amounts of Fentanyl Flows Across Southern Border
InformationLiberationNov 11
The US is experiencing shortages of over 100 drugs ranging from Narcan to Adderall and insulin while record amounts of fentanyl flows across our southern border thanks to DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas' refusal to enforce federal immigration laws.
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Chinese Govt Tells Citizens to Stockpile Food Before Winter As U.S. Govt Mocks Americans Concerned About Shortages
InformationLiberationNov 02
China's government is telling citizens to stockpile food ahead of a possible supply crunch come winter while the US government is mocking Americans for being concerned about shortages and surging inflation.
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'White People, You Are The Problem': AT&T's Internal 'Racial Reeducation Program' Leaked
InformationLiberationOct 28
"AT&T Corporation has created a racial reeducation program that promotes the idea that 'American racism is a uniquely white trait' and boosts left-wing causes such as 'reparations,' 'defund police,' and 'trans activism,'" Christopher Rufo reports.
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Hospital Exec Awarded $10M in Discrimination Payout After Being Fired For Being White
InformationLiberationOct 27
A white male marketing VP at Novant Health in North Carolina who was fired for being white and replaced with two female diversity hires was awarded $10m on Tuesday in a discrimination suit.
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Nuclear-Powered France Has Electricity Prices Nearly Half That Of "Green"-Powered Germany
InformationLiberationOct 14
France went all-in on nuclear power back in the 1970s and it's paying dividends.
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Yellen Says Spying On All Bank Accounts Over $600 Is A Way to Hold Billionaires Accountable
InformationLiberationOct 13
Treasury secretary and former Fed chief Janet Yellen, who is actively overseeing the largest wealth transfer from the middle class to the billionaire class in history, told CBS News on Tuesday that spying on all Americans' bank accounts over $600 is a way to hold billionaires accountable.
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Tesla Ordered to Pay $137M to Black Elevator Operator Who Claimed He Endured Racial Taunts
InformationLiberationOct 05
Tesla has been ordered to pay $137 million to a black contract employee who worked as an elevator operator for a temporary staffing agency for nine months and claimed after not being hired full-time by Tesla and hiring an attorney that he was called the "n-word."
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NY Gov. Kathy Hochul to Unvaxxed Hospital Workers: Get Vaxxed Or Get Replaced With Foreigners
InformationLiberationSep 23
New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Thursday threatened to replace workers at hospitals and nursing homes with foreigners if they don't submit to being vaccinated by Monday.
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Occupy Democrats Praises Landlord For Ordering Tenants to Get Vaxxed or Get Evicted
InformationLiberationSep 15
Retweet if you support landlords!
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'Food Is More Expensive Than Almost Anytime In The Past 60 Years'
InformationLiberationSep 15
We're only just beginning to feel the effects of the global lockdown and the ensuing money-printathon.
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"The Far Right's Love Of Farmers Markets Plays Into A Larger Fascist Talking Point..."
InformationLiberationAug 27
The case for cosmopolitan globalism usurping localism, by Rebecca Weiss.
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Saints Tickets Sell For Less Than $1 After Vax Passport Or Negative CV Test Required For Attendance
InformationLiberationAug 25
The tickets are still overvalued at this price.
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Poll: 'America First' And 'Middle Class First' Parties Would Dominate If U.S. Was A Multi-Party System
InformationLiberationJul 18
Americans would ditch the Republican and Democratic parties for an "America First" nationalist party and "Middle class first" universal health care party if America was a 5-party system, according to a new survey.
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Neiman Marcus, Staunch Supporter of Black Lives Matter, Looted in San Francisco
InformationLiberationJul 06
Victims of systemic oppression were filmed taking food for their families (hidden in expensive handbags) out of Neiman Marcus during a flash looting on Monday evening in San Francisco.
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FBI Possesses "Private Key" to Colonial Pipeline Hackers' Bitcoin Account, "Recovers" $2.3M Ransom Payment
InformationLiberationJun 07
The FBI just so happens to possess the private key to the alleged Colonial Pipeline hackers' bitcoin account.
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Biden's COVID Relief Plans Order Whites to The Back of The Bus
InformationLiberationMay 07
Joe Biden's handlers are embracing systemic racism.
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Americans Are Fleeing Major Cities
InformationLiberationMay 05
The hottest real estate market in the country is Coeur d'Alene, Idaho which the media has historically dubbed "Whitopia."
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WashPo: Biden Advisors Fear Infrastructure Investments May Help White Working-Class Men
InformationLiberationApr 01
The Washington Post is reporting that "people close to the White House" expressed concerns that investing in "major physical infrastructure investments" may help the "White working-class male worker."
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