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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 981 - 1000 of 1689
One War Criminal Down, A Fistful to Go
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 05/13/2007
... for many reasons. Perhaps his greatest failure was in permitting the media concentration that destroyed the independence of the 'mainstream media.' The Amer ...

Is Avian Flu another Pentagon Hoax?
( posted 10/31/2005
... of alleged Avian Flu. The model suggests the parallel to the brazen corruption of Halliburton Corporation whose former CEO is Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney’s company ...

U.N. to Cut Estimate Of AIDS Epidemic
(Washington Post) posted 11/21/2007
... by the newer studies, and set to be endorsed by U.N. scientists, shows a massive concentration of infections in the southern third of Africa, with nations such as Swazila ...

Sweatshops, made in the good, old U.S. A.
(St Petersburg Times) posted 11/01/2006
... who were kept in barracks at night in what was described by our government as 'labor camps.' The workers were charged by recruiters thousands of dollars for 'jobs in the ...

Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Baby Milk?
(Prison Planet) posted 08/14/2006
... surroundings of the British Lake District and Yorkshire Dales are terrorist training camps where Al-Qaeda devotees are preparing for their next big attack. What's ne ...

WATCH: New Film 'Atrocity Inc' Exposes How Israel Lied About October 7th to Justify Genocide
(InformationLiberation) posted 10/07/2024
... documents how the Jewish state is raping and torturing Palestinian prisoners in 'torture camps' in Israel with widespread public support among Israeli Jews. In short ...

Government Discrimination vs. Private Discrimination
(Ryan McMaken) posted 03/31/2015
... until Roosevelt solved many of the whites’ problems by simply locking the Japanese in concentration camps. If one wishes to really fight private-sector discrimination and ...

Goal of Israel's military action is questioned
(San Francisco Chronicle) posted 07/01/2006
... in Gaza since the disengagement,' said Steinitz. 'The terror groups have set up training camps and established a popular Palestinian army along the lines of the Hezbollah ...

American Dictatorship
(Jacob G. Hornberger) posted 03/18/2011
... on earth. He has the power to kidnap any person in the world and send him to prison camps located in various parts of the world. Or he can send prisoners to foreign dicta ...

Are We Brewing A New Feudalism?
( posted 04/17/2020
... and bond prices beyond realistic values. It has been going on since the rules against concentration were set aside and the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed.  It has been g ...

NSA Snoop Program: Greasing the Skids of the Police State
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 01/14/2006
... of the Constitution, implementation of martial law, establishment of internment camps, and the turning the government over to the President.” Peter Dale Scott write ...

Blunder left trail of lethal radiation: Safety cap left off toxic cargo as it travelled 130 miles across Britain
(The Times) posted 02/18/2006
... would have been dead. Only by “pure chance” was no one directly exposed to the high concentration of cobalt-60 gamma rays that streamed from the container because of ...

Marc Faber Explains How Even The "Greatest Bear On Earth" Gets It Wrong
(Zero Hedge) posted 08/24/2011
... target of around 1,400-1,450 on the S&P. Then you have the super bear. I think both camps will be disappointed.' On why the markets won't come back down again to the ...

RIP, Bill of Rights, RIP
(The Nation) posted 10/01/2006
... the internment of 120,000 Japenese civilians, 2/3 of whom were US citizens, in military camps across the western half of the country. Effectively stripping Japanese Ameri ...

Socialists made eugenics fashionable
(National Post) posted 06/21/2008
... argued that the mentally and even physically disabled should be sterilized and sent to camps so as not to 'infect' the rest of the population. It is deeply significa ...

The 10,000th Haditha.
(Ted Rall) posted 06/01/2006
... U.S. propaganda efforts even more than the infamous photos of torture at its Abu Ghraib concentration camp. So far reaction to Haditha has been the reverse of what y ...

London suspect in CIA torture claim
(The Times) posted 12/11/2005
... The indictment against Mohammed accuses him of attending terrorist training camps in Afghanistan in 2001, including one alongside Richard Reid, the failed airli ...

How three million Germans died after VE Day
(The Telegraph) posted 04/26/2007
... of what was left of the bombed-out cities. The discovery of the Nazi death camps stoked Allied fury, with General George Patton asking an aide amid the horrors of Bu ...

Trump: 'Obama Was Tapping My Phones' During The Election, 'This is Nixon/Watergate!'
(InformationLiberation) posted 03/04/2017
President Trump said Obama tapped his phones during the election and 'this is Nixon/Watergate' all over again. There's no question this is true. Obama ordered the tappin ...

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