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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 921 - 940 of 1689
Claiming the Prize: Bush Surge Aimed at Securing Iraqi Oil
(Chris Floyd) posted 01/09/2007
... PSAs. If 'Al Qaeda in Iraq' vowed to open the nation's oil spigots for Exxon, Fluor and Halliburton, they would suddenly find themselves transformed from 'terrorists' int ...

Falun Gong practitioners protest Hu's visit
(Seattle Post-Intelligencer) posted 04/19/2006
... The Chinese government, they alleged, is killing Falun Gong followers in a Nazi-style concentration camp in Liaoning province and harvesting their organs. The protes ...

Japanese Organ Transplant Agency: Chinese Organ Supplies Will Not Decrease
(The Epoch Times) posted 04/28/2006
... days in advance. Such information is exchanged among hospitals, and sometimes labor camps and prisons directly contact hospitals regarding the organ supplies. After a pri ...

Syria warns 'gates of hell will open' if U.S. attacks
(Lebanon Daily Star) posted 10/12/2005
... revealing that Washington had debated launching military strikes inside Syria against camps used by insurgents operating in Iraq. Citing unnamed government sources, ...

Scanner Producer Talks About Controversial New Film
(Prison Planet) posted 07/09/2006
... for the film's underlying themes are contemporary concerns about surveillance, the concentration of power in society, and the use of fear to manipulate populations. ...

The red, white and blue roots of terrorism
(Peter Chamberlin) posted 09/13/2008
... targeted in Bajaur and S. Waziristan are the locations of our (CIA) former training camps and American/Saudi-funded madrassas. Most of the other raids have targeted Baitu ...

'The Taliban Are Terrorists'
(Eric Margolis) posted 04/03/2006
... the Communists – rechristened, Northern Alliance. Most of the so-called “terrorist camps” in Afghanistan were in fact bases used by Muslim volunteers who had come to ...

The Great American Oligarchy
( posted 09/03/2006
... Rumsfeld in the Pentagon, who run things for corporate feeders. You know who they are, Halliburton, Bechtel, and Lockheed Martin, to name a few of the no-bid war profitee ...

Miami Model: ACLU Shysters Stab America In The Back Again
(Prison Planet) posted 11/29/2005
... ever going to see short of when they cart us all off to those cozy ex-Soviet gulag camps.The Miami model is akin to the police looking for a man driving a red ...

Conservation isn't What it Used to Be
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 09/17/2007
... and Cheney. The lively press disappeared along with its independence in the media concentration engineered during the Clinton administration. Shortly thereafter all ...

Vitamin C: Cancer cure?
( posted 06/18/2006
... automatically gets rid of extra C through urine. Levine's lab has shown that, at high concentrations, the vitamin is toxic to many types of cancer cells in lab dishes. Bu ...

Security forces 'foil terror plot every six weeks'
(Sunday Telegraph) posted 02/05/2007
... They also find it straightforward to attend one of the al-Qaeda terrorist training camps known to operate in the region. ...

Fighting Fluoride
(Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD) posted 11/09/2010
... have a 3-times greater chance of having a hip fracture drinking water with a fluoride concentration of 4.4 ppm; and another one indicated that even a 1.5 ppm concentrat ...

Google Imposes Worldwide Ban On China Critical Website: Space War accuses company of selling out to ''boys from Beijing''
(Prison Planet) posted 02/24/2006
... subject to mobile execution vans or if they're lucky, hauled off to permanent detention camps. US companies like Microsoft and Yahoo have been complicit in helping t ...

Breaking point: Inside story of the Guantanamo uprising: The camp commander's claims of a co-ordinated revolt are challenged by new details of the violence.
(The Independent) posted 05/21/2006
The prison camps at Guantanamo Bay were gripped by a series of uprisings and disturbances last week which suggest a state of near revolt, it emerged yesterday. Reports fr ...

Bombs Bursting in Air
(Cindy Sheehan) posted 07/04/2006
... some of our soldiers come home that are tired of suffering and committing war crimes for Halliburton, Dick and Donny. Click above for full-size version. Ci ...

The Pursuit of Enhancement: The latest from Brave New Britain.
(Christianity Today) posted 02/23/2006
... state retirement age. Here are some of the key issues: * Smart pills to enhance concentration and memory are now available, with research on other brain-altering d ...

Dr. Death & The Religion Of Genocide: Disciple of Pianka goes further, wants 100% of humans dead
(Prison Planet) posted 04/05/2006
... Or will it be blamed on terrorists while everyone is forced into quarantine concentration camps and martial law is declared? It is on this basis that we are now seri ...

CNN's Jake Tapper: It's 'Antisemitic' to Criticize Dana Bash's False Reporting on Israel-Gaza War
(InformationLiberation) posted 09/06/2024
... with cover to commit genocide in Gaza and rape Palestinians en masse in Israeli torture camps. Wonder why Israel's US cutouts are obsessively pushing bogus claims of ...

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