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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 321 - 340 of 1689
Hamid Hayat: Did he confess to agents?
(Lodi News-Sentinel) posted 02/23/2006
... committed to hurting the United States. 'Yeah, and what they do at these camps ... what they're doing is teaching people how to kill American troops,' agent Gary Sc ...

U.S. Weapons Poison Europe: Radiation from Iraq war detected in UK atmosphere
(American Free Press) posted 03/06/2006
... and atomic weapons facilities. Ironically, AWE was taken over three years ago by Halliburton, which at first refused to release key data as required by law to Busby. ...

The real Manchurian Candidate
(The Telegraph) posted 11/10/2006
... the senior British officer among hundreds of prisoners kept in appalling conditions in camps in communist-held Korea, he was singled out for special treatment. While ...

Fluoride Poisons Children in Jharkhand, India
(NTDTV) posted 03/04/2010
... pipeline works almost all the time as long as there is electricity.' The fluoride concentration of water samples from Palamu district ranges up to 600% higher than ...

Is it the Lawmakers or Law Enforcers who are to Blame?
(Stop the State) posted 02/10/2012
... It was the men who voluntarily agreed to invade other countries and operate the concentration camps. Hitler was no more than a very persuasive inciter of violence. No ...

Torture The Innocent, Release the Most Wanted
(Prison Planet) posted 01/30/2006
... | January 30 2006 The hallmark of the worldwide detainee and torture camps is defined by repeated examples whereby proven top Al-Qaeda members are protect ...

How Lots of Little Nazis Turned Germany Into the Third Reich
(Bloomberg) posted 04/03/2006
... and brutal. Organized opposition was crushed, the leaders killed, exiled or sent to concentration camps. At the same time, the Nazis purged the civil service and moved to ...

Dictatorship Codified
(Jacob G. Hornberger) posted 12/01/2011
... enabled Hitler, his military, and the Gestapo to round people up, send them into concentration camps, torture them, and execute them. There is one important thing, ...

Avian Flu: Bush Cronyism and Crimes as Usual
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 10/08/2005
... notorious for scamming investors and Wall Street or guilty of outright fraud (think Halliburton and its subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root). Considering Merck’s improprie ...

Frist Made At Least $2 Million on Insider Trade
(Jamie Court) posted 09/28/2005
... to sell his HCA stock. Each of the Senator’s trust agreements acknowledged their high concentration in HCA stock, and specifically relieved trustees ‘from any obligation ...

Attacking Iran: What's In It For Bush?
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 01/17/2007
... against us” will take on new life, and we will find out who are those intended for the Halliburton-built detention camps constructed in the US at great cost with our tax ...

Forced labor for Palestinian children in Israeli prison
( posted 09/15/2006
... of 376 Palestinian children are currently imprisoned in Israeli prisons and detention camps. ...

U.S. Army Builds 'Fake City' in Virginia to Practice Military Occupation
(Infowars) posted 02/16/2014
... The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through temporary internment camps under the guidance of U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operatio ...

Police investigate CIA's use of British airports
(The Independent) posted 12/20/2005
... that the CIA used British airports to fly terrorist suspects for torture in secret camps abroad. Days after Tony Blair insisted he knew nothing about such 'extraordi ...

If Only Americans Weren't So Goddamned Stupid We Wouldn't Have to Send Them to Re-Education Camps
(Reason Magazine) posted 08/08/2011
... fantasy about rounding up Tea Bagger types and sentencing them to green re-education camps for minimum one-year terms. Not to punish per se but to expose these contemptib ...

Blinken's Diplomatic Trip to Israel Ends With Jewish State Committing Another Massacre
(InformationLiberation) posted 08/21/2024
... of State, but also as a Jew. My grandfather…fled pogroms... My stepfather…survived concentration camps. So...I understand...the harrowing echoes that Hamas’ massacres car ...

Intelligence sources question Gates' independence from Cheney, Rumsfeld
(Raw Story) posted 11/16/2006
... of directors for Parker Drilling Company since 2001. A major client-partner of Parker is Halliburton. In 2004, for example, Halliburton landed the Iride-Samaria Project i ...

Eroding freedom: From John Adams to George W. Bush
(Online Journal) posted 10/13/2006
... 100,000 without due process. In the name of taking on the architects of German prison camps, he became the architect of American prison camps. Coming on the heels of ...

Top Income in U.S. Is...Gasp!...Wash. D.C. Area
(Bloomberg) posted 10/19/2011
... employees whose compensation averages more than $126,000 and the nation’s greatest concentration of lawyers helped Washington edge out San Jose as the wealthiest U.S. met ...

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