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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1641 - 1660 of 1689
The Surreal Politics of Premeditated War
(Common Dreams) posted 12/08/2006
... spectacular cronyism of the no-bid contracts, with Mr. Cheney and his former company, Halliburton, becoming the icons of corruption. Then the domestic spying issue. Tor ...

Fiasco Then, Fiasco Now: Why Baghdad Will Keep Burning
(TomDispatch) posted 10/28/2006
... help to a future Iraq -- help not bound to the hiring of corporate looters like Halliburton's KBR. (Let me not even mention offering apologies for what we've do ...

War on Iran
(Information Clearing House) posted 11/12/2006
... sent its military operatives into the Kurdish region north of Iraq to establish training camps for the Kurds. The Kurds want to establish their free Kurdistan that extend ...

The man who knew too much
(The Guardian) posted 10/15/2007
Rich Barlow idles outside his silver trailer on a remote campsite in Montana - itinerant and unemployed, with only his hunting dogs and a borrowed computer for company. He dip ...

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
(Global Research) posted 11/19/2006
... Balkans are infinitely more important as a potential economic prize: an enormous concentration of natural gas and oil reserves is located in the region, in addition to im ...

From Global Crisis to "Global Government"
(Andrew G. Marshall) posted 12/19/2008
... efforts to facilitate assimilation and integration.” Further, “the increasing concentration could lead to more tense and unstable situations, such as occurred with the 20 ...

The Invisible Government
(John Pilger) posted 07/22/2007
... there will be just three global media giants, and his company will be one of them. This concentration of power is not exclusive of course to the United States. The BBC ha ...

The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy
(Michel Chossudovsky) posted 06/06/2008
... the retail level is leading to the demise of local level economies, increased industrial concentration and a massive centralization of economic power in the hands of a sm ...

Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories
(Stephen Lendman) posted 10/11/2009
... have been dead for quite a while.' We're just now seeing their corpses, but the concentration of media monopolies, the proliferation of one-newspaper towns (in 98% of US ...

Economics, Philosophy, and Politics - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
(Mises Institute) posted 05/17/2010
... properties into the property of one single agency (of the socialist state). It is this concentration of all property in one hand that makes economic calculation impossibl ...

The Political Economy of Diamonds
(Counter Punch) posted 03/18/2007
... to evade capture. For every informer kept by the company in the illegal mining camps, the miners seemed to have one in the local police. Illegal p ...

India's 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?
(Michel Chossudovsky) posted 12/02/2008
... on Terrorism, Global Research, January 20, 2008) CIA sponsored guerilla training camps were established in Pakistan to train the Mujahideen. Historically, US intell ...

30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison
(EndoftheAmericanDream) posted 11/30/2011
... than in the District, which has more than one plate-reader per square mile, the highest concentration in the nation. Police in the Washington suburbs have dozens of them ...

19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Giant Surveillance Grid
(The American Dream) posted 09/26/2012
... than in the District, which has more than one plate-reader per square mile, the highest concentration in the nation. Police in the Washington suburbs have dozens of them ...

Fascist America, in 10 easy steps
(The Guardian) posted 04/24/2007
... bullied by a monarch's soldiers, the founders were terrified of exactly this kind of concentration of militias' power over American people in the hands of an oppressive e ...

The Military-Industrial Complex: Impacts on the Third World
(Prof. Aziz Choudry) posted 12/14/2008
... industry and war profiteers, perhaps most vividly symbolized by Dick Cheney’s ties to Halliburton and its multi-billion-dollar contracts to provide construction, hospital ...

Dark Secrets
(InformationLiberation) posted 03/23/2006
... outside decks. So we went into the Web Camp and just made ourselves comfortable. (The camps have different names like Lost Boys, Doom, Dragon etc.) We simply sat out the ...

Civil Liberties in Obama's America
(Anthony Gregory) posted 03/23/2010
... FDR, even though he would have presumably shipped every Arab and Muslim American into a concentration camp had Manhattan been attacked on his watch. The left loves JFK ...

Depleted Uranium For Dummies
(Irving Wesley Hall) posted 03/23/2006
... radioactive particles into the air that floated over the future battlefield and bivouac camps where hundreds of thousands of American troops were awaiting the invasion. ...

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