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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1621 - 1640 of 1689
Officials Say Don't Blame the Swine Flu Shot, You'll Drop Dead Anyway
(Barbara H. Peterson) posted 10/19/2009
... into an all-out emergency event, which will involve the use of checkpoints, FEMA camps for quarantine, and martial law. We want to be off the streets as much as possibl ...

A very private war
(The Guardian) posted 08/01/2007
... driving trucks to doing laundry. These services are provided through companies such as Halliburton, KBR and Fluor and through their vast labyrinth of subcontractors. But ...

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Official Legend of 9/11 is a Fabricated Setup
(Global Research) posted 03/18/2007
... representative' at 'military hearings' held behind closed doors at the US Guantanamo concentration camp. According to the transcript, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed claims ...

Who’s Lying About Iraq?
(Bob Murphy) posted 12/18/2005
... Survey access has been gained to over 75 facilities, including military garrisons and camps, weapons factories, truck parks and manufacturing facilities and residential a ...

The Authentic Cruelty of a Synthetic Man
(William Norman Grigg) posted 05/21/2011
... $90 million a year by funneling teens into a globe-spanning network of detention camps. At least some of that money used to fuel Romney's presidential ambitions. ...

Telephone Records are just the Tip of NSA's Iceberg
(Washington Post) posted 05/13/2006
... (Continuous Analysis and Discovery from Relational Evidence) * CamStudio * Camps * Capri * Carillon * CART * CASIAT (Computer Assisted ...

What Is The Role Of Iran?
(Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.) posted 03/08/2006
... such as the port city of Haifa and the Zakhariya area. Haifa is also home to a large concentration of chemical factories and oil refineries. Zakhariya, located in the Jer ...

Legislating Tyranny
(CounterPunch) posted 06/12/2008
... autocracy.” News reports that the Bush administration has contracted with Halliburton to build detention centers in the United States at a cost of $385 millio ...

The Great Land Giveaway: Neo-Colonialism by Invitation
(James Petras) posted 12/02/2008
... appropriated by the world’s biggest capitalist landowners in what is one of the greatest concentration of private landownership in the history of empire building. Th ...

The Trouble with Kids Today: Too Much Deference to 'Authority,' Too Little Respect for Property
(William Norman Grigg) posted 06/16/2015
... … walk away makes all the difference.” Similar arrangements existed within mining camps, wagon trains, cattle drives, and other pre-political arrangements in the Mo ...

Setting the Stage for Turmoil in Caracas
(VenezuelAnalysis) posted 05/16/2007
... The Ukraine has 24, Belarus 11, Russia 30, even Iraq, with 11. By far the highest concentration of the “corners” is in Eastern Europe, where Washington has focused its de ...

No Bar Code: An evangelical Virginia farmer says a revolution against industrial agriculture is just down the road
(Mother Jones) posted 05/05/2006
... global corporate techno-glitzy food system” with its “industrial fecal factory concentration camp farms.” (The dangerous pileup of modifiers is a hallmark of Joel’s rheto ...

Bush's Chernobyl Economy; hard times are on the way
(Mike Whitney) posted 11/10/2006
... Apparently, they feel like they can manage the public’s shock and outrage with detention camps and water cannons. We’ll see. In any event, the trap has been set ...

Licensed Kleptocracy for Years to Come: The ABCs of Paulson's Bailout
(Michael Hudson) posted 10/23/2008
... inflation is expected from this behavior. The main impact will be to reinforce the concentration of wealth in the hands of creditors (the wealthiest 10 percent of th ...

Cops and Former Secret Service Agents Ran Black Ops on Green Groups
(Mother Jones) posted 04/15/2008
... to conduct a psychological assessment of her. Also listed as clients in BBI records: Halliburton and Monsanto. BBI, which was headquartered in Easton, Maryland, on t ...

Swan song for Fannie; eulogy for the ‘ownership society’
(Mike Whitney) posted 07/24/2008
... life” that is being saved is not that of home ownership, but debt peonage to support the concentration of wealth at the top of the economic pyramid. (Michael Hudson; “Why ...

Thrown to the Assassins
(Mother Jones) posted 03/23/2007
... registration programs but also basic survival aid to refugees trapped in desert camps or squatting in abandoned buildings. Recognizing the potential for 's ...

The Rationale for Total Privatization
(Hans-Hermann Hoppe) posted 03/15/2011
... He can sell his ownership share to someone else, thus opening the possibility for the concentration of ownership titles, conceivably in a single hand, all the while retai ...

Parasitic Imperialism
(Ismael Hossein-Zadeh) posted 07/08/2007
... outside the rule of law where torture can be used. With this system of prison camps in Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba (Guantánamo), and a number of other undisclosed ...

History of the Car Bomb: New-generation car bombers are graduates of CIA terrorism schools
(Mike Davis) posted 07/08/2007
... as Beirut in the early 1980s. Belfast's triangular conflicts -- three armed camps (Republican, Loyalist, and British) and their splinter groups -- seemed straightforward ...

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