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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1581 - 1600 of 1689
Juicing the Brain
(Scientific American) posted 12/24/2006
... other than the obvious discomfort that nonsleepers experience--the attendant loss of concentration and the increased accident risks. An intervention that minimizes t ...

Dissidents Against Dogma
(Alexander Cockburn) posted 06/11/2007
... of CO2 from the enormous carbon reservoir in the earth's oceans controls atmospheric CO2 concentrations. This absorption and release is very much a function of the earth' ...

Independence Day Propaganda
(Anthony Gregory) posted 07/04/2011
... censored, arrested on mere suspicion and without due process, and thrown into prison camps. Sometimes they were tarred and feathered – a form of torture – or even exec ...

Why the Left Fears Libertarianism
(Anthony Gregory) posted 06/30/2011
... and blue-state socialism. With the central state as their common ground, the two camps enjoy hurling insults at each other, playing culture war games, vying over power ...

Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe
(Vive le Canada) posted 07/10/2006
... 2003. Bush's radioactive cloud lasted more than five weeks at high radioactive particle concentration levels. There is no gas mask filter fine enough to trap this radioac ...

Fake Congressional Opposition to War
(Stephen Lendman) posted 03/15/2007
... like illegal spying, mass roundups and incarcerations, and construction of secret US concentration camps for tens of thousands of aliens and US citizens Bush may label 'u ...

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11
(Jerry Mazza) posted 07/31/2006
... Brooklyn in 1943 and attended exclusive Jewish schools, spent summers in Israel Zionist camps, which trained the Zionists of the future. As to Dov’s formal education, he ...

Bush Shields Dad on Chile Terrorism
(Consortium News) posted 09/22/2006
... a military coup that killed Allende, Pinochet imprisoned Letelier at a desolate concentration camp on Dawson Island off Chile’s south Pacific c ...

Reviewing Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"
(Stephen Lendman) posted 09/21/2007
... and a lot of backup help from private contractors like Blackwater USA for security and Halliburton for a range of functions unrelated to soldiering. He wanted less staff ...

If you see something, say something
(Jerry Mazza) posted 07/26/2007
... and even Watson of IBM gave the Nazis the early computing technology for the internment camps. I see standing next to them, the British monarchy, with all its billions st ...

Psychiatry and disease mongering: Road Rage Disorder is latest spontaneously "discovered" disease
(News Target) posted 06/14/2006
... we're told, can we stop pain, socialize with peers, control blood pressure, gain mental concentration, lower cholesterol or prevent cancer. This is the con that drug ...

The 14 Worst Corporate Evildoers
(Alternet) posted 12/12/2005
... California's fuel economy standards. KBR (Kellogg, Brown and Root): A Subsidiary of Halliburton Corporation KBR is a private company that provides military supp ...

Considering the crazies
(Jerry Mazza) posted 04/02/2007
... books, the ghost survivors clinging to fences, the survivors I met as a young man, the camps’ numbers tattooed on their arms, the stories they told, the nightmare they li ...

The Zarqawi affair, part 1 of 15
(Online Journal) posted 09/12/2006
... confined the Original Peoples to reservations. In the Palestinian case, refugee camps, mushroomed in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Not only that, but he employed Apart ...

Are You on the Government's 'No Fly' List?
(Naomi Wolf) posted 09/15/2007
... Most Americans associate Cat Stevens not with bomb-building in al-Qaeda training camps, but with slowdancing to 'Wild World' in suburban rec rooms. Islam's detention help ...

The Hidden Draft in Our Schools - A Case Study: Klein High
(The Price of Liberty) posted 09/16/2006
... less fortunate folks' kids. It's the ones without college funds and summer camps who form the 'target rich environment' among whom recruiters find their ...

14 Incredibly Creepy Surveillance Technologies That Big Brother Will Be Using To Spy On You
(The American Dream) posted 07/10/2012
... than in the District, which has more than one plate-reader per square mile, the highest concentration in the nation. Police in the Washington suburbs have dozens of them ...

Ahmadinejad: Where is the seat of global justice?
(Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) posted 09/20/2006
... with hardly a precedent in history. Refugees continue to live in temporary refugee camps, and many have died still hoping to one day return to their land. Can any logic, ...

China and America: The Tibet Human Rights PsyOp
(Michel Chossudovsky) posted 04/21/2008
... practice of torture, political assassinations and the establishment of secret detention camps, continue to be presented to public opinion as a model of Western democracy ...

The Troops Don’t Defend Our Freedoms
(Jacob G. Hornberger) posted 10/22/2005
... across the United States and to round up “terrorists” and incarcerate them in military camps, both here and in Cuba? Again, there can be no doubt that most of the troops ...

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