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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1541 - 1560 of 1689
Free Markets, Deregulation, and Blame
(The New American) posted 04/19/2010
... by every living American Nobel laureate, saying, “There has never been a greater concentration of intellectual power here at the White House since Thomas Jefferson dined ...

Is America Fascist?
(Sherwood Ross) posted 10/23/2008
... contracts, 'Blackwater is the world's largest private security force, works closely with Halliburton, and is available for action outside the scrutiny of Congress,' Wolf ...

Hail to the chief
(Boston Globe) posted 11/28/2006
... began invoking national security to seize greater power from Congress. This concentration of authority peaked under President Richard Nixon, who famously asserted ...

Who Will Save America?
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 02/07/2006
... truth about 9/11. Debate is dead in America for two reasons: One is that the media concentration permitted in the 1990s has put news and opinion in the hands of a fe ...

5 Surprising Facts About Spying In America
(Washington's Blog) posted 09/22/2010
... ally France and of other governments had infiltrated the highest levels of Al-Qaeda's camps, and actually listened to the hijackers' debates about which airlines' planes ...

Obama's Expanding Kill List
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 02/13/2013
... his history, The Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn explains that in the prison camps, the Soviet equivalent to Guantanamo and the CIA’s secret torture prisons, ...

In a Cop Culture, the Bill of Rights Doesn't Amount to Much
(John W. Whitehead) posted 05/06/2015
... facing today--militarized police, police shootings of unarmed people, the electronic concentration camp being erected around us, SWAT team raids, etc.--can be attributed ...

Who Will Save America?: My Epiphany
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 02/06/2006
... truth about 9/11. Debate is dead in America for two reasons: One is that the media concentration permitted in the 1990s has put news and opinion in the hands of a fe ...

FIRE RISES: Greeks Revolt Against Migrant Centers, Govt Uses Military to Repel Migrant Invasion
(InformationLiberation) posted 03/01/2020
... riot police forces sent there to protect the construction of new massive migrant camps (which the locals had started destroying)Before retreating to their boat, they smas ...

Washington's $8 Billion Shadow
(Vanity Fair) posted 04/22/2007
Mega-contractors such as Halliburton and Bechtel supply the government with brawn. But the biggest, most powerful of the 'body shops'—SAIC, which employs 44,000 people and too ...

Genetically Modified Foods Unsafe? Evidence that Links GM Foods to Allergic Responses Mounts
(Jeffrey M. Smith) posted 11/09/2007
... responses are triggered by both the natural Bt toxin in spray form and Bt crops. The concentration of Bt toxin in crops, however, can be thousands of times higher than in ...

The Germs Next Door
(Stan Cox) posted 03/27/2008
... our food supply. Even bioterror alarmists admit that the increasing concentration of US agriculture, and its increasingly industrial infrastructur ...

The Militarization of New Orleans
(Stephen Lendman) posted 09/06/2008
... Iraq pioneered. Creating an open field for capital. Giving administration favorites like Halliburton and Bechtel big contracts. Providing nothing to the poor, disadvantag ...

Fluoridation, The NRC Report And 'Crucial' False News Alerts
(Mary Sparrowdancer) posted 04/11/2006
... 'it is difficult to predict exactly what effects on thyroid function are likely at what concentration of fluoride exposure and under what circumstances.' Fluoride levels ...

Hillary Clinton: a Bigger Warmonger Than Bush And Cheney?
(Washington's Blog) posted 03/03/2016
Bush and Cheney launched two disastrous and totally unnecessary wars which increased terrorism and undermined America's standing in the eyes of the world. Hillary Clinton ...

Paul Craig Roberts: The Brennan-Rosenstein-Mueller-Comey-Presstitute Witch Hunt
( posted 08/24/2018
... as evil criminals that must be destroyed. For example, the Gaza Strip, the largest concentration camp ever in the world, is being systematically destroyed along with ...

The Truth about the “Terror Plot”…. and the new “pseudo-terrorism”
(Nafeez Ahmed) posted 08/24/2006
... and then ambushing bands of fighters or by guiding bombers to the terrorists’ camps.” He goes on to advocate that western intelligence services should use the British cas ...

FBI: Bureau of Frame-Ups, Bullying, and Intimidation
(William Norman Grigg) posted 10/25/2010
... Forces were running many infiltration/provocation operations 'in areas with the biggest concentrations of Muslim Americans -- New York; the Dearborn, Michigan area, and t ...

War Profits Trump the Rule of Law
(Chris Floyd) posted 12/24/2006
... Terror War - Goldsmith has on occasion voiced a few mild objections to the American concentration camp on Guantanamo Bay - the good Lord has proven himself a worthy count ...

FBI & Homeland Security Now 0 For 41 In Predicting Imminent Terrorist Attacks On The US
(Techdirt) posted 07/08/2015
... hyping the threat, played against the backdrop of scary b-roll of terrorist training camps. Former CIA deputy director Mike Morell ominously told CBS last week that 'I wo ...

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