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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1441 - 1460 of 1689
The Road to Copenhagen Part I: The Club of Rome
(Infowars) posted 11/16/2009
'(…) Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime- sort of an international ...

Mass murder in the skies: was the plot feasible?
(The Register) posted 08/17/2006
... infidel has been harmed. But let's assume that you can obtain it in the required concentration, or cook it from a dilute solution without ruining your operation. Fin ...

Der Spiegel: Washington Planning a Military Strike on Iran
(Der Spiegel) posted 12/31/2005
... they happened. The Turkish government has also been given the 'green light' to strike camps of the separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Iran on the day in questio ...

Still playing with fire: Evidence points to US complicity in terror plot
(Devlin Buckley) posted 06/08/2007
... several of the suspects arrested in connection to the plot traveled to Jundullah camps in Pakistan, where they were reportedly trained in the fabrication and use of ...

Monckton: The 'global warming' scam -- a crime against humanity
(The SPPI Blog) posted 01/10/2010
... own profession. The big lie peddled by the UN is the notion that a doubling of CO2 concentration will cause as much as 2-4.5 C° of “global warming”. In fact, accordi ...

It Can't Happen Here? It Has Happened Here
(Michael Nolan) posted 02/08/2007
... fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this country, detention camps for middle-easterners and their…sympathizers, critics of the President’s p ...

Former Abu Ghraib General: Torture Is Continuing; Order Came From Very Top
(Prison Planet) posted 10/27/2005
... estate inside the twenty foot high retaining wall for Karpinski to establish temporary camps. 'If there was still a war going on, this would have been much like a pr ...

Orwell rolls in his grave: Britain's endemic surveillance cameras talk back
(Raw Story) posted 05/31/2007
... surveillance cameras. Many opponents have pointed to London, where the CCTV’s greatest concentration of cameras was ineffective in halting the terrorist bombings in J ...

From "Civil Rights" to Cultural Totalitarianism
(William Norman Grigg) posted 04/07/2015
... government’s domestic war against “discrimination.” The Japanese relocation camps were filled with people whose homes, farms, personal effects, businesses, and indi ...

Lebanon pays for Hezbollah's sins
(Salon) posted 07/14/2006
... were smashed into rubble. Gunboats off the coast fired wildly into Palestinian militant camps. Attack helicopters ignited a fuel depot at the airport, while leaflets rain ...

How Hollywood Portrays Arabs
(Remi Kanazi) posted 06/30/2008
... years and the Palestinian people are living in squalor in demolished towns and refugee camps enduring a 40 year occupation that strangulates their economy and diminishes ...

9/11 and the "American Inquisition"
(Michel Chossudovsky) posted 09/13/2008
... were burned alive. Today's Patriot Act, the military courts, the Guantanamo concentration camp, the CIA rendition camps, Abu Ghraib, etc., are part of an advanced i ...

Covert ops to overthrow Iran’s gov
(alJazeera) posted 09/27/2005
... letter to world leaders, demanding they void all contracts with Iran by June 16. (Halliburton contracts in Iran were not mentioned). This small U.S.-backed group, presumi ...

UPDATED: Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says 9/11 Deserves Further Investigation
(Infowars) posted 07/20/2006
... a Reichstag fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this country, detention camps for middle-easterners and their quote “sympathizers”, critics of the Preside ...

America's Middle Class Has Become Globalization's Loser
(Spiegel Online) posted 10/25/2006
... them more closely. First, nowhere in the world can you find such a high concentration of optimism and daring. America is the country that strives hardest for what i ...

Torture from the Top: Axis of Evil Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld Conduct Their Own Prison Experiment
(OpEdNews) posted 04/21/2006
... to the reports from Zimbardo’s original studies. Can we add Abu Ghraib and its sister camps to the growing list of things “no one could have predicted”? For a President w ...

Canada: School Board Purges Books Written Before 2008 to Advance 'Equity'
(InformationLiberation) posted 09/15/2023
... erase important history. 'I think that authors who wrote about Japanese internment camps are going to be erased and the entire events that went on historically for J ...

The Occupiers and the State
(Anthony Gregory) posted 10/29/2011
... and some who would replace current policy with something much worse. The folks in both camps who rail against corruption but oppose key pillars of the free society hav ...

Erdogan's Gamble Backfires As EU Gives Iron-Willed Greeks $780M to Secure Their Border
(InformationLiberation) posted 03/05/2020
... riot police forces sent there to protect the construction of new massive migrant camps (which the locals had started destroying)Before retreating to their boat, they smas ...

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