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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1401 - 1420 of 1689
From Afghanistan to Iraq: Connecting the Dots with Oil
(AlterNet) posted 02/23/2007
... toward them. With the capture of Iraqi oil resources prospectively disguised, the Halliburton company was then hired, secretly, to design a fire suppression strategy ...

Global Financial Meltdown
(Michel Chossudovsky) posted 09/21/2008
... deregulation in the US has created an environment which favors an unprecedented concentration of global financial power. What we are dealing with is a major clash ...

'Boston Strong': Marching in Lockstep with the Police State
(John W. Whitehead) posted 04/23/2013
... and detention of hundreds of Arab, South Asian and Muslim men following 9/11, internment camps that housed more than 18,000 people of Japanese ancestry during World War I ...

Bushcons Sunny Side the Horror of Iraq
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 12/01/2005
... skull-and-crossbones Visigoths bent on sacking the Middle East in the name of Big Oil, Halliburton, and a band of demented Zionists on a tiny sliver of stolen land pushed ...

Rumsfeld “ordered torture” at Abu Ghraib
(Democracy Now) posted 10/27/2005
... treated, but the conditions were very austere. We were keeping prisoners in the outside camps only for as long as we needed to because the temperatures were 120 degrees, ...

Why Capitalism Is Worth Defending
(Anthony Gregory) posted 07/29/2011
... it. For one thing, most opponents of capitalism do not merely oppose Goldman Sachs or Halliburton or even McDonalds. Rather, they oppose free enterprise as a matter of ...

FEMA's City of Anxiety in Florida
(Washington Post) posted 09/17/2005
... here, this is my advice to New Orleans and the other Gulf Coast towns: Don't make big camps with thousands of people, because it doesn't work,' Hebert said. 'It takes a b ...

Distracted, Diverted and Insulated from the Grim Reality of the Police State
(The Rutherford Institute) posted 09/04/2014
... American citizens would be incensed about being treated like prisoners in an electronic concentration camp, their every movement monitored, tracked and recorded by a grow ...

The Iraq War is a Huge Success
(Aseem Shrivastava) posted 07/29/2006
... John McCain had called it “a huge pot of honey that’s attracting a lot of flies.” The Halliburtons and the Bechtels, as much as venture capitalists have been dipping gree ...

Coup du Jour: The Militarization of Daily Life
(William Norman Grigg) posted 07/16/2014
... us were taking a break from our missionary labors to shop for necessities downtown. The concentration of military personnel – and the visible agitation of my native-born ...

Permanent wars for oil and permanent terrorism
(Rodrigue Tremblay) posted 05/07/2008
... 2002 'Secure supplies of energy are essential to our prosperity and security. The concentration of 65 percent of the world's known oil reserves in the Persian Gulf m ...

The Blue Pill People
(Idaho Observer) posted 06/21/2008
... combatants” and held indefinitely at U. S. military bases. Remember the detainment camps those paranoid conspiracy theorists told you about years ago? U.S. offi ...

U.S. Govt-Funded Radio Free Asia, Citing Anonymous Sources, Claims China 'Torturing' Christians to Renounce Faith
(InformationLiberation) posted 04/06/2021
The US government, which is persecuting Christians in America for opposing the ruling class' fringe LGBT ideology, is putting out atrocity propaganda through Radio Free Asia c ...

Rapid DNA: Coming Soon to a Police Department or Immigration Office Near You
( posted 01/08/2013
... and asylum applications. In the refugee context--where people are often stranded in camps far from their homes with little access to the documentation needed to prov ...

Losing the Economy to Mythology
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 06/06/2007
... power. It is difficult to argue that this is a desirable result. For example, the concentration of media ownership permitted by the Clinton administration in the 1990s ha ...

The Census and Despotism
(Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.) posted 02/08/2010
... in a census, with the ultimate goal of plotting a mass deportation to the Belzec concentration camp. But Romania cut off all political relations with the Nazis a ...

"Crush the Seed of Ishmael": A "Final Solution" to the "Muslim Problem"
(William Norman Grigg) posted 10/09/2014
... coupled with the use of holographic propaganda to re-program Muslims imprisoned in concentration camps. “Islam is not a religion, as we understand the term,” Hollrah ...

Zelensky Bans Opposition Parties, Nationalizes All TV Outlets in The Name of Fighting 'Misinformation'
(InformationLiberation) posted 03/21/2022
... his address, President Zelenskyy said ,”I’d like to remind all politicians, from all camps: wartime exposes quite well the paucity of personal ambitions of those who try ...

11 Ways That Amerika Is Becoming More Like North Korea
(EndoftheAmericanDream) posted 12/15/2011
... than in the District, which has more than one plate-reader per square mile, the highest concentration in the nation. Police in the Washington suburbs have dozens of them ...

Bush's New Middle East
(Mike Whitney) posted 05/31/2007
... of humanity are happening here. There are many family connections between the two camps. Kids distribute and water bread when it arrives in cars from Beirut and elsewh ...

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